Calgary Herald

Quarry Park quandary


Re: “Council remains divided on transit,” Dec. 13.

I am a 19-year resident of Riverbend and was initially opposed to Quarry Park. That opposition might have been for the wrong reasons. The idea of a satellite mini city now makes sense. When 18th Street was opened to the Deerfoot, most of us saw that as another way out of our neighbourh­ood. Little did we expect it to become a shortcut from Deerfoot south to destinatio­ns unknown and to accommodat­e the folks working in Quarry Park.

I am from Montreal and was used to traffic jams all day long. Moving here in 1994 was, from a traffic perspectiv­e among others, a wonderful change. No more. Not only is there barely moving traffic on 18th every work day, but I suspect the air quality has likely been affected quite negatively in our area.

How is the city planning to accommodat­e the over 2,000 new Imperial Oil employees trying to get to work every morning as well as those who will work there in the future? I guess there will be, at some point, at least 5,000 people trying to get in and out of there every day. The size of a small town twice a day! Two ways in, two ways out!

Are we considerin­g a bridge into Quarry Park from Southland? The offleash folks probably would oppose that. Perhaps we could have saved the money to do so by not funding Santiago Calatrava’s $25-million monument to bad welding. Some of us here are considerin­g a petition to limit Quarry Park growth.

Richard L. Landry, Calgary

 ??  ?? Santiago Calatrava
Santiago Calatrava

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