Calgary Herald

Clarity sought


Re: “Provincial budget games,” Editorial, March 8.

How nice it was to hear the Alberta government finally admit that the province has a spending problem! But what would really make my day would be to hear the Herald editorial board admit that the province also has a serious revenue problem.

In 2005-2006, Alberta’s resource revenue was $14.7 billion, of which 59 per cent came from natural gas. In 2013-2014, it is projected to be $7.3 billion, with only 13 per cent coming from natural gas.

It becomes obvious the surpluses of the Ralph Klein era were made possible by high natural gas prices and not just austerity.

To the “no new taxes, no tax increases, no sales tax” quote from the Finance minister, the editorial’s comment is, “That’s terrific.” If that is really so terrific, then how is the government going to deal with the $6.3 billion “cashadjust­ed deficit?”

Provide us with at least some of the clarity you so fervently insist on getting from the government. Would you eliminate the twinning of the highway to Fort McMurray, thereby saving $1.3 billion, but putting more lives at risk? What other infrastruc­ture projects would you cancel? How much would you lower public sector compensati­on?

Until the editorial board is willing to answer these questions, their demands for more clarity from the government ring very hollow, indeed.

Peter Mannistu, Calgary

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