Calgary Herald

Engage core muscles to help you lift weights

Protects against injury, says Calgary trainer


Weight training or strength training is an important part of a full-body fitness program, but you have to know proper form and technique for your workout to be effective and safe, says Chris Tse, a personal trainer at Calgarybas­ed Blitz Conditioni­ng.

He recommends spending at least one session with an expert, like a personal trainer to learn the basic moves of lifting: the press, row and squat, and how to do them correctly.

The most common mistake made by beginners is not engaging core muscles, Tse says. Weight machines don’t require you to engage your core because they balance the weight and maintain form for you. Free weights or dumbbells require you to involve your core muscles in every movement, he explains.

Engaging core muscles involves pulling your abdominals back toward your spine and holding them in that position as you raise and lower free weights, rememberin­g to keep breathing. Breathe out as you lift and breathe in as you lower.

Overtraini­ng is another common error. You don’t have to lift weights for hours at a time every day or several times a day. Tse recommends two hours a week where you choose heavier weights that you can only raise and lower, using proper technique, a small number of times to build muscle.

“For most people, they should just hit pretty much every muscle group they possibly can with weights. The other days they should do cardiovasc­ular workouts.”

Many people think strength training is about the most weight you can lift, so they try lifting weights that are too heavy, sacrificin­g proper technique and risking injury, he says.

Others are so focused on how they want their muscles to look — toned or large deltoids (shoulder muscles), for example — that they don’t spend any time working the muscles that stabilize the deltoids and maintain the joint, resulting in injury to their rotator cuff muscles.

Back Row

Tse demonstrat­es the row movement used in the back row: Start by standing with feet shoulder-width apart, weights in hand. Bend knees slightly, engage core muscles and lean forward, pushing bum back, so that the back is parallel to the floor.

Bend elbows and pull up weights in a slow and controlled manner, keeping arms tight at your side and pulling shoulder blades together. Lower arms and then pull or row them up again.

Do eight to 12 repetition­s.

 ?? Bruce Edwards/edmonton Journal ?? Trainer Chris Tse demonstrat­es proper form in a Back Row, where core muscles are engaged.
Bruce Edwards/edmonton Journal Trainer Chris Tse demonstrat­es proper form in a Back Row, where core muscles are engaged.

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