Calgary Herald

Let kids play


Re: “City takes aim at damage to memorial,” May 7.

I watched a segment on the news about young skateboard­ers and bikers using the new war memorial at the corner of 10th Street N.W. and Memorial Drive as their playground. I also noticed a couple of police officers speaking to a few young BMX bikers at the site a couple of days ago, and it really concerned me.

I understand it is intended to be a memorial, but isn’t a memorial a park? Quite a few years ago, the Herald published a political cartoon on or about Remembranc­e Day showing a Second World War soldier lying on a cloud with a halo above his head, looking down on a group of children, and the caption was something like: “I just love watching them play.”

I think of it often, and wonder what that soldier might think of the police officers scolding these boys (likely just a couple of years younger than many of the young men we lost during two world wars) for enjoying themselves in the park.

I seriously had visions of razor wire when I was listening to the news — there was mention of stepped-up patrols and security cameras.

I know skateboard­s and such do a little damage, but is it really that bad that we can’t spend a few dollars to shore it up once in a while? Let the children play.

Ray Hillman, Calgary

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