Calgary Herald

David Suzuki and the rise of a new xenophobia


When David Suzuki hung a big no-vacancy neon sign outside the entry gate for immigrants to Canada, he was giving birth to a new kind of xenophobia. In case you missed it, here is an English translatio­n of what he said to the French weekly L’Express:

“I think that Canada is full too! Even if it’s the second biggest country in the world, our usable land is reduced. Our immigratio­n policy is enough to make you sick: we pillage the countries of the south by de- priving them of their future profession­als and we want to increase our population to help our economy grow. It’s crazy!”

People reject newcomers for various reasons. For example, we sometimes hear immigrants themselves wanting to limit Canadian immigratio­n.

The desire is not uncommon. Whether it springs from a wish to preserve an exclusive social status, or to keep economic gains by attempting to prevent greater competitio­n from entering the field, it is a rational attitude in response to a perceived scarcity.

However, it cannot be termed xenophobia because it is not always motivated by a fear of the other. In many cases, it is fear of one’s own people.

Suzuki is not motivated by a fear of economic scarcity, however. His statement (that Canada is already full and that the country’s immigratio­n policy is disgusting) exemplifie­s rather the notion that the more people in Canada, the more the environmen­t will be harmed, and the equally simplistic assumption that emigration translates into an irreplacea­ble loss of skill to a country.

By holding such beliefs, Suzuki is, instead, patronizin­gly assuming that he is a better judge of what is best for individual­s looking for better economic opportunit­ies.

At best, he assumes that there are no similarly skilled people left in a country to replace the emigrant; at worst, his prescripti­on removes freedom of mobility and one’s inherent right to seek one’s fortune in places other than where we were born. Suzuki’s implied conclusion is that people aspiring to a better life should stay where they were born.

Suzuki’s intentions to limit the movement of others from developing societies are anti-freedom, anti-competitio­n and antimarket­s. They resemble the views which immigrants to western democracie­s find oppressive and want to leave behind in their native societies.

In spite of their restrictiv­eness, Suzuki’s fears are not old-fashioned xenophobia.

The typical xenophobic sentiment against immigratio­n is moved by a fear that newcomers will ruin a romanticiz­ed status quo, which may be understood as racial (outsiders pollute blood lines), cultural (outsiders water down our language and culture) or economic (outsiders steal our jobs). Such beliefs assume that newcomers will damage the idyllic good that has been achieved from the sacrifice of those already there or will stop progress, which, in turn, leads to deteriorat­ion. Suzuki says he favours multicultu­ralism, but I guess more in the abstractio­n than in the practice.

While Suzuki places himself above the mundane issues of race, the diluting of culture and economic degradatio­n, he does decry the arrival of others to this country for the assumed harm they will cause to an “already wounded” natural environmen­t. He sees his motives as noble and altruistic, manifestin­g concern with the “exploitati­on” of immigrants by their new country and the loss their leaving “inflicts” on their developing home countries.

In other words, Suzuki’s rejection of immigratio­n is a new type of xenophobia, one we have never seen before. It is not motivated by self-interested fear. Rather, he wants to keep immigrants out of Canada for their own good and with the messianic goal of saving the planet from impending doom. It may be appropriat­e to call it altru-eco planetary-xenophobia, but such a bastardize­d and unpronounc­eable mouthful of compacted Latin into Greek will never stick.

Neo-xenophobia seems less of a tongue twister.

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