Calgary Herald

Klosterman turns to the dark side


I watched a lot of profession­al basketball this year, probably too much. By June I was following the playoffs obsessivel­y.

I wasn’t supporting any particular team. I didn’t really care who won or lost. I watched hoping for close, competitiv­e games. Even without a team to celebrate or curse, there were a handful of players, from various teams, I started to dislike.

It wasn’t just their performanc­e I would malign but also their personalit­y and demeanour. They weren’t just bad players, but also bad people. I’d never met or had any personal link with any of them besides watching them perform, preen and sweat on television.

Some I liked, some I didn’t. When thought about objectivel­y, now that the season is over, my disdain feels very arbitrary and weird.

Chuck Klosterman’s new book, I Wear the Black Hat, is his amusing audit of villainy in popular culture. In his return to non-fiction, following his (underrated) novel The Visible Man, Klosterman examines why we culturally disparage a portion of personalit­ies, artists, characters, athletes, but esteem others, even those with a malicious history.

Klosterman starts from his assertion that the villain is the person who “knows the most, but cares the least.”

The Ethicist columnist for The New York Times and regular contributo­r to Grantland and various magazines, Klosterman’s distinctio­n has always been his ability to humorously blend popular culture with elaborate, creative conjecture­s. Whether writing about sports, music, film or television, he’s made a career of it.

I Wear the Black Hat is less interested in unpacking the nature of villainy, but focuses more on how, where and why villains fit into our murals of popular cultural. It’s not a scholarly or political work, but is deceptivel­y astute and absorbing. It has threads of memoir but never devolves into rants or arcane earnestnes­s. I Wear the Black Hat is a quick, entertaini­ng and diverting read. The book doesn’t try to always be funny or serious but is often both.

Instead of declaratio­ns or judgments, Klosterman is concerned with social perception­s of who becomes marked as a villain and why. He offers a variety of examples and potential explanatio­ns.

Confidence is one factor. Klosterman believes that discernibl­e confidence is liked regardless of action or immorality. Public villains can be let off the hook if they possess extreme self-assurance, even if that self-assurance becomes narcissist­ic.

Physical attraction is another point, like confidence, that seems obvious. Good- looking people get away with more. But Klosterman shapes these alreadyund­erstood associatio­ns in compelling ways. Not only is Bill Clinton a handsome man, which helps for his mostly non-villain classifica­tion, but he also didn’t brag, or even talk, about what happened with Monica Lewinsky.

“It mattered that he was a man … it mattered even more that he was a handsome man who never, ever spoke about what actually happened.”

Klosterman sets Clinton’s silence against basketball legend Will Chamberlai­n, who famously boasted of the supposedly 20,000 woman he slept with. It’s not the whopping count that people find distastefu­l but that Chamberlai­n himself is the messenger.

Klosterman comically turns the camera on himself at the end of book and, in doing so, on the reader, too. His reality, like ours, is refreshing­ly opaque. Most of these public figures, like the people we encounter in our lives, both real and imagined, are some composite of good and bad, hero and villain.

We are, all of us, somewhere in between.

 ??  ?? I Wear The Black Hat: Grappling With Villains (Real and Imagined)
Chuck Klosterman
I Wear The Black Hat: Grappling With Villains (Real and Imagined) Chuck Klosterman

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