Calgary Herald

Trudeau should rethink legalizing pot


I have lost all respect for Justin Trudeau. Until Thursday, I’d been rooting for him. No more, though. Not since he announced that he thinks marijuana should be legalized.

In advocating for legalizati­on, Trudeau cited the futility of the war on drugs. But this is not about the war on drugs. This is about the impact on everyday life if marijuana were legal. One commenter on the Herald’s website wondered whether Trudeau is aware of all the social ills that legalizati­on would bring. For one thing, if this ever comes to pass, we will add to the carnage caused by drunk drivers, more carnage caused by drivers who are stoned.

Nor is it valid to argue that since alcohol is legal, marijuana should be legal, too. Alcohol is out of one’s system in a matter of hours for moderate drinkers. THC, the main ingredient in cannabis, stays in the body for up to 30 days, which means it continues to impair the user that much longer after the first high has worn off. Harvard psychiatry professor Harrison Pope studied marijuana’s long-term effects on cognition. He postulates that one reason for the lengthy period of impairment, is that THC “dissolves in body fat, then slowly percolates into the blood and brain over days and weeks after a joint is smoked,” according to the Harvard Gazette.

Marijuana today is nothing like what it was when Trudeau’s father was prime minister. The University of Mississipp­i found that in 1983, the average THC concentrat­ion was less than four per cent; in 2008, it was over 10 per cent. For hydroponic­ally grown marijuana, it’s about 25 per cent.

C. Heather Ashton, emerita professor of clinical psychophar­macology at Britain’s University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, reviewed scientific knowledge “of mechanisms of action, effects on psychomoto­r and cognitive performanc­e, and health risks associated with cannabis consumptio­n.” Her 2001 report, published n the British Journal of Psychiatry, concluded: “... Actions on specific brain receptors cause dose-related impairment­s of psychomoto­r performanc­e with implicatio­ns for car and train driving, airplane piloting and academic performanc­e. Other constituen­ts of cannabis smoke carry respirator­y and cardiovasc­ular health risks similar to those of tobacco smoke. Cannabis is not ... a harmless drug, but poses risks to the individual and to society.”

A study led by Harvard University’s School of Public Health showed “at least weekly use of marijuana during pregnancy” is a risk factor for premature separation of the placenta, which can result in fetal brain damage, prematurit­y and stillbirth.

Columbia University researcher­s have found marijuana smoking can cause “long-term impairment of memory in adolescent­s; prolonged impairment of psychomoto­r performanc­e; a sixfold increase in the incidence of schizophre­nia; cancer of mouth, jaw, tongue and lung in 19-30 year olds,” and leukemia in children whose mothers smoke pot.

In a 2009 report, the California Environmen­tal Protection Agency noted: “Studies reporting results for direct marijuana smoking have observed statistica­lly significan­t associatio­ns with cancers of the lung, head and neck, bladder, brain, and testis. The strongest evidence of a causal associatio­n was for head and neck cancer ... Among the epidemiolo­gical studies that reported results for parental marijuana smoking and childhood cancer, five of six found statistica­lly significan­t associatio­ns.” That included higher rates of leukemia in children whose fathers or mothers smoked pot.

Then, there is the link between marijuana and schizophre­nia. “Schizophre­nia caused by or contribute­d by cannabis may be more severe than schizophre­nia in general,” Dr. Peter Allebeck, a professor in the department of public health sciences at Stockholm’s Karolinska Institute, said last April, at the 21st European Congress of Psychiatry. Allebeck noted that marijuana users appear to have a type of schizophre­nia “that may be more severe than schizophre­nia cases in general.”

Earlier this month, Dr. Samuel Wilkinson, of Yale University’s department of psychiatry, wrote in the Wall Street Journal: “Though they receive little attention in the legalizati­on debate, the scientific studies showing an associatio­n between marijuana use and schizophre­nia and other disorders are alarming. A 2004 article in the highly respected British Journal of Psychiatry reviewed four large studies, all of which showed a significan­t and consistent associatio­n between consumptio­n of marijuana (mostly during teenage years or early 20s) and the later developmen­t of schizophre­nia.”

Last month, the journal Biological Psychiatry published a study showing that long-term pot smokers have lower levels of dopamine in their brains, resulting in a lack of motivation.

Marijuana can also destroy marriages. Researcher­s Kazuo Yamiguchi of the University of Chicago and Denise Kandel of Columbia University wrote in the Journal of Marriage and Family that their studies have shown that “marijuana use greatly increases the rate of becoming divorced ...” Just like any substance abuse.

Legalizing this drug would only increase the misery and harm it is already causing.

Flip-flops are nothing new for politician­s, and Justin Trudeau needs to do a major one on this issue.

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