Calgary Herald

Arctic cyclone chewing up ice

Scientists watch vulnerable area with ‘fascinatio­n’


Arctic scientists are watching in awe this week as a raging summer cyclone tears up what could become a record amount of rotting northern sea ice.

“We’re really watching this year with a lot of fascinatio­n,” said Matthew Asplin, an Arctic climatolog­ist at the University of Manitoba.

Arctic cyclones are driven by lowpressur­e systems in which winds of up to 100 km/h blow counterclo­ckwise in spiral more than 1,000 kilometres across. They occur in both winter and summer, but are usually stronger in winter.

Cyclones are not unusual in the Arctic, but seem to be changing in recent years, said David Barber, one of Canada’s top sea-ice experts.

“These cyclones are not getting more frequent, but they are getting deeper — which means stronger,” he said.

And they’re getting harder on sea ice, which they break up through wave action associated with high winds and through rainfall, which darkens the ice and makes it absorb more solar energy. The storms also bring up water from the depths, which is actually warmer than surface water.

Cyclones can destroy large amounts of ice very quickly.

“In 2009, we actually documented one of these events in which large, multi-year ice floes — Manhattans­ized — broke up in a matter of minutes,” said Barber.

Last year, a particular­ly powerful cyclone is thought to have wiped out 800,000 square kilometres of ice. That contribute­d to record low sea-ice levels at the end of the 2012 melt year.

This year’s storm over the Beaufort Sea formed about mid-week and is expected to die out on the weekend.

It isn’t as strong as last year’s, but the ice is thinner and weaker. As well, the ice has already been pummelled by earlier storms.

“The effects of (the storm) are nowhere near what we saw last August,” said Asplin. “But because the ice is thinner and it’s already been pre-conditione­d, and because there’s less volume, it’s much more vulnerable to impacts from this sort of thing.”

Changing sea-ice cover is increasing­ly being linked to southern weather patterns.

The jet stream, which strongly influences weather at mid-latitudes, is driven by temperatur­e difference­s between the Arctic and the equator, a difference that shrinks with the sea ice.

Ice coverage is slightly about last year’s record low but still well below the 30-year average.

 ?? Jonathan Hayward/the Canadian Press ?? Cyclones can destroy large amounts of ice very quickly and summer cyclones have been getting stronger in recent years, scientists say.
Jonathan Hayward/the Canadian Press Cyclones can destroy large amounts of ice very quickly and summer cyclones have been getting stronger in recent years, scientists say.

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