Calgary Herald

Harper is an economist


Re: “Harper’s no economist,” Letter, Nov. 12.

According to R.W. Shepherd, it’s incorrect to define Stephen Harper as an economist, “rather, he is a person with an economics degree.” Hmmm? So, in Shepherd’s view, only professors of economics can call themselves economists? What hogwash. Prime Minister Harper has a master’s degree in economics, which makes him qualified to teach the subject in many post-secondary institutio­ns. He has written many papers on economic issues.

There is more considerab­le gibberish in Shepherd’s letter as well. To say that Harper and his government are not doing a good job with the economy simply is not supportabl­e. Sure, we’ve gone back into deficit, but Harper was forced to do so by the opposition parties when he had a minority and by the G8 during the global economic recession.

Shepherd writes that “inexplicab­ly the electorate chose to stick with the Conservati­ves during the 2008 world economic meltdown.” Does Shepherd actually believe then Liberal leader Stephane Dion or NDP leader Jack Layton would have been better stewards of the ship of state?

Seriously? Dion wanted to have Canada sign onto Kyoto and bring in the Green Shift tax, which would have decimated our industries and prevented improved productivi­ty that we are achieving now owing to our strong economy, low tax regime and high dollar.

Also, as a percentage of GDP, Canada’s deficit is not nearly as large as what accumulate­d under Pierre Trudeau, whose disastrous economic legacy we’re still digging out of.

Shepherd clearly dislikes Harper for some reason, but the reasons he gives are not valid ones.

P.J. Tsang, Calgary

 ??  ?? Stephane Dion
Stephane Dion

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