Calgary Herald

Tories set to vote on Redford

Premier not contemplat­ing outcome


EDMONTON— Alberta Premier Alison Redford says she’s not dwelling on a party leadership vote this weekend.

“I really haven’t given it any thought,” Redford said Wednesday after reporters asked her about the vote coming up at the Progressiv­e Conservati­ve party’s annual general meeting in Red Deer.

“We’re really busy with the business of government right now, and the number will be what the number will be.”

Delegates to the meeting will vote by secret ballot starting Friday on whether to have a leadership race. The party’s constituti­on says the vote must be held no more than two years after an election win.

Redford needs more than half the delegates to support her to stay on as leader.

Results are to be announced at the convention Saturday afternoon. Redford has not said what number would make her comfortabl­e.

Those who vote include the party’s past and present members of the legislatur­e, 15 delegates from each riding and youth delegates.

While Redford isn’t making prediction­s, her political opponents say she has nothing to worry about.

NDP Leader Brian Mason said Redford’s team has been out twisting arms to make sure those who cast their ballots vote the right way.

Wildrose Opposition Leader Danielle Smith agreed.

“I don’t anticipate she’s going to have any trouble,” said Smith. “It would look pretty terrible on the PCs if they switched leaders yet again two years after this one was chosen (and) after she won a majority mandate.”

Redford has been praised for her handling of flood recovery in southern Alberta and for working with other government­s to open markets for Alberta’s resources.

But she has been criticized for promising to balance the budget in the last election, then running up billions of dollars in debt to pay for infrastruc­ture.

Liberal Leader Raj Sherman said the issue is not the leadership review.

“Changing the leader does not fix the problems that Albertans face,” said Sherman. “It’s an old, tired, outdated government that needs to be removed.”

About 1,200 delegates will hear Redford speak on Friday night. They’ll debate and discuss policy and fundraisin­g issues on Saturday.

 ?? Postmedia News/Files ?? Premier Alison Redford said Wednesday she is focused on business, not on the outcome of this weekend’s leadership vote.
Postmedia News/Files Premier Alison Redford said Wednesday she is focused on business, not on the outcome of this weekend’s leadership vote.

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