Calgary Herald




A Calgary woman well known in show-dog circles has been charged with 51 counts of causing or permitting an animal to be in distress following the seizure of 34 dogs from her southeast home in mid-May.

The charges against Beverly Jean Creed stem from allegation­s she kept the dogs in unsanitary conditions and also relate to 17 dogs that veterinari­ans say were in “medical distress,” said the Calgary Humane Society.

Brad Nichols, manager of cruelty investigat­ions with the humane society, said dog seizures of this size and involving someone in the industry are rare.

“It’s not often we’re seizing 30-plus dogs,” Nichols said, adding it was unusual for Creed — a respected member of the show-dog and dog breeding community — to let animal care drop off so drasticall­y.

Some of those animals were returned to co-owners after they paid fees associated with the removal and care of the dogs, Nichols said.

Others are slowly recovering from surgery and treatment for dental abscesses, fractured bones, skin infections and eye problems, and are making their way to the adoption centre, he said, adding some have already been adopted by new families. Two dogs had to be euthanized due to age and medical reasons. None of the animals was returned to Creed.

The dogs were seized May 13 from an Acadia home in the 8500 block of Addison Drive S.E.

A man delivering a notice to the residence expressed concerns about the welfare of the animals and a strong smell emanating from the property. He alerted a neighbour, who called 911 after entering the home, finding feces and urine throughout, as well as ripped furniture and numerous dogs in distress. Peace officers, police officers and firefighte­rs attended the scene, removing dogs of varying sizes and breeds.

The house was deemed unfit for human habitation.

Creed could not be reached for comment Thursday.

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 ?? Calgary Herald/Files ?? Officers seized more than 30 dogs from a home in the southeast Calgary community of Acadia on May 13.
Calgary Herald/Files Officers seized more than 30 dogs from a home in the southeast Calgary community of Acadia on May 13.

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