Calgary Herald

Beat cops hit street to fight crime


For years, police officers and community partners have been working to clean up the area around Internatio­nal Avenue in east Calgary, which has long been plagued with crime and social disorder issues.

Following the success of a recent police operation targeting “highintens­ity drug traffickin­g areas” and street-level prostituti­on — as well as several community cleanup initiative­s — a dedicated foot patrol team has been establishe­d to keep the momentum going.

Starting Sunday, the Internatio­nal Avenue Beat Team, consisting of 16 constables and one sergeant, will patrol the 35-block stretch along 17th Avenue S.E. — from 26th to 61st Street — which cuts through Forest Lawn and other communitie­s.

They will be out 18 to 20 hours a day, seven days a week, year-round, keeping an eye out for crime and connecting with those who live, work and attend school in the area.

“The team will be able to respond quickly to crime trends and community concerns in the area. Their goal will be sustaining a long-term reduction in crime and social disorder,” said Insp. Dale Ruzicki.

Police Chief Rick Hanson said the team was formed to make the community a safer place.

“They’ve been anxious to see a more visible police presence, a greater commitment of police resources, an effort by us to connect more to one of the most diverse communitie­s in this city ... to make this part of Calgary a place where everyone feels they’re getting the type of policing service they deserve,” Hanson said.

Alison Karim-McSwiney of the Internatio­nal Avenue Business Revitaliza­tion Zone called the area a diverse community where more than 425 businesses are establishe­d and more than 50,000 people reside.

She and Ward 10 Coun. Andre Chabot agree the team is necessary for the revitaliza­tion and redevelopm­ent of the area.

Since efforts were made to clean up downtown, Chabot said “a lot of that sort of activity tended to migrate to some of the outlying communitie­s,” including the communitie­s along Internatio­nal Avenue.

As the area continues to evolve, Chabot said “the beat cops will be integral to that.”

Recently, a covert police operation in the area resulted in 39 people being slapped with 141 charges.

Between June 2 and 20, officers laid drug-related charges against 16 people, seized drugs, charged 23 people with prostituti­on-related offences and seized 22 vehicles.

A week later, community members and agencies got together to clean up the community.

The Calgary Parking Authority has also been in the neighbourh­ood dealing with “chronic parking problems, including abandoned and derelict vehicles,” while animal and bylaw officers have been working with businesses and homes that received complaints.

Traffic officers have been tackling concerns such as speeding and jaywalking, while members of the Public Safety Compliance Team have been in bars and restaurant­s.

Police say the patrol officers will work to sustain the successes of these recent efforts.

 ?? Crystal Schick/Calgary Herald ?? Constables Kevin Collier, left, James Enarson and Jake Daroux are all part of the new Internatio­nal Avenue Beat Team that’s putting more boots on the street in the Forest Lawn area.
Crystal Schick/Calgary Herald Constables Kevin Collier, left, James Enarson and Jake Daroux are all part of the new Internatio­nal Avenue Beat Team that’s putting more boots on the street in the Forest Lawn area.

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