Calgary Herald

Facebook user experiment­s draw FTC complaint


WASHINGTON — A digital-privacy group filed a complaint against Facebook Inc. with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, asking regulators to investigat­e psychologi­cal experiment­s on some of the social network’s users in 2012.

Facebook failed to get permission to conduct the research, which altered the number of positive and negative comments in the news feeds of about 700,000 members, a c - cording to the complaint from the Electronic Privacy Informatio­n Center. The group said the agency should impose sanctions, including requiring Facebook to disclose the software formulas that determine what users see in their feeds.

“The company purposeful­ly messed with people’s minds,” the Washington­based group said in the complaint, which also said the company didn’t notify users their data would be shared with third-party researcher­s.

A study about the experiment, published June 17 in the Proceeding­s of the National Academy of Sciences, rekindled concerns about Facebook’s data-privacy practices in the U.S. and

We have always asked permission to use their informatio­n


beyond. Earlier this week, the U.K. Informatio­n Commission­er’s Office said it will speak with Facebook and work with the Irish Data Protection Commission­er, the company’s lead regulator in Europe, to learn more about the circumstan­ces.

“When someone signs up for Facebook, we’ve always asked permission to use their informatio­n to provide and enhance the services we offer,” the Menlo Park, California-based company said Thursday in an emailed statement in response to the complaint with the FTC. “To suggest we conducted any corporate research without permission is complete fiction. Companies that want to improve their services use the informatio­n their customers provide, whether their privacy policy uses the word ‘research’ or not.”

Jay Mayfield, an FTC spokesman, didn’t immediatel­y respond to an email and phone message seeking comment.

In the complaint, the Electronic Privacy Informatio­n Center also said Facebook’s research violated a 20-year consent decree from the FTC in requiring the company to protect member privacy.

A Facebook researcher apologized on June 29 for the test that altered the number of positive and negative comments that users saw on their online feeds of articles and photos in January 2012. Disclosure of the experiment prompted some members to express outrage on Twitter about the research as a breach of privacy.

 ?? Justin Sullivan/Getty Images/Files ?? Facebook failed to get permission to conduct research, which altered comments to about 700,000 news feeds, according to a complaint from the Electronic Privacy Informatio­n Center.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images/Files Facebook failed to get permission to conduct research, which altered comments to about 700,000 news feeds, according to a complaint from the Electronic Privacy Informatio­n Center.

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