Calgary Herald

Summer in the city brings return of the croptop

Grin and bare your midriff in a few easy steps


This summer, think of baring your midriff. On a warm day, it’s a practical move, but it’s also on trend because, yes, the croptop is back. A fashion statement that originated in the 1980s, courtesy of the movie Flashdance, it was reincarnat­ed in the 1990s thanks to the influence of Britney Spears.

Just in time for summer, the croptop returns with overwhelmi­ng popularity — and a few 2014 modificati­ons.

“I first noticed the trend in mainstream fashion last summer,” says Raelee Balanag, coowner of an Edmonton vintage clothing shop. “It was a popular proportion on the runways.”

Eleni McMullin, a stylist from the blog Convey The Moment, has been watching the trend climb and she is embracing its new incarnatio­n.

“Growing up in the ’90s, belly tops were everywhere. This is a classier, toned-down version and I love it. Thankfully it has evolved a lot since the last time they were in.”

It’s a delicate balance of proportion when styling the croptop. Pairing them with a higher waist seems to be the most popular route.

“Myself and most likely those without a six pack will wear them with a higher-waisted bottom,” says Balanag. “Because I’m not showing midriff, my personal expression of the trend has a more vintage feel to it. I go for the ’50s feel of baggy denim or trousers with a short boxy top.”

“In my opinion, the most tasteful way to style a croptop is with a skirt,” says McMullin. “I also adore styling them with wide leg pants or high-waisted shorts.”

As far as set-in-stone rules on how to wear the crop trend, per- sonal style and confidence are the only commandmen­ts one should heed.

“I’ve worked in the retail industry for a long time and if there is one thing I have learned about fashion rules is that there aren’t any,” says Balanag. “If it feels right to you, then go for it.”

Fortunatel­y, this is one warmweathe­r trend you won’t need to break the bank to achieve. The DIY croptop can be made in minutes using supplies commonly found in the home.

You need sharp scissors, a pencil crayon (white or silver is best), measuring tape, a ruler and a T-shirt.


1. While wearing the shirt, measure from shoulder seam to where you want your hem to be below the bust. Allow about one inch for rolling the hem when the shirt is washed.

2. Lay the shirt completely flat on a hard surface. Make sure the hem of the front and back of the shirt line up perfectly.

3. Take the measuring tape and mark where you will be cutting, using the shoulder-to-hem measuremen­t you took in Step 1.

4. Use your ruler to draw a guide line across the shirt where you will be cutting

5. Cut along the pencilled line with a sharp pair of scissors for a crisp cut. If your scissors are on the dull side, cut one layer of the shirt at a time.

6. Try on the shirt to see if the length is to your satisfacti­on. Remember that the unfinished hem will roll slightly when washed for the first time.

 ?? Photos: For Postmedia News ?? Brittany Shulz, left, is sporting a cropped blouse with a front tie and high-waisted jeans. Meanwhile, Raelee Balanag has paired a cropped tank top with high-waisted jeans.
Photos: For Postmedia News Brittany Shulz, left, is sporting a cropped blouse with a front tie and high-waisted jeans. Meanwhile, Raelee Balanag has paired a cropped tank top with high-waisted jeans.
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 ??  ?? For a crisp cut when fashioning your croptop, cut along the pencilled line with a sharp pair of scissors.
For a crisp cut when fashioning your croptop, cut along the pencilled line with a sharp pair of scissors.

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