Calgary Herald

Ring road folly


Re: “All leadership candidates back ring road completion,” July 8.

I have heard the mantra “it needs to be completed” in reference to this ring road insanity by notables such as PC leadership candidate Jim Prentice so many times that I am now convinced people say it because somehow it gains validity with repetition. Since the opening of the eastern portion of the ring road, I have not noticed any reductions in congestion on the Deerfoot, a road that for me at least provides a general metric as to road usage in Calgary. I have seen no references to any independen­t studies documentin­g the benefits of these kinds of road projects. Mostly, it seems that the more politician­s enable automobile use, the more automobile­s are on the road.

On the cost side, everyone knows that you take the initial estimate and multiply it by two if you are an optimist and by four otherwise — $5 billion can become $10 billion or $20 billion in the blink of an eye. Politician­s who get on this crazy horse deserve the bruises they will acquire on their backsides.

Mark Botkin, Calgary

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