Calgary Herald


5 things to know about the Dawn


Few in Hollywood expected the Planet of the Apes franchise to still have appeal in the 21st century, decades after the classic Charlton Heston sci-fi flick first hit theatres.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is a different movie animal, even compared to 2011’s box office reboot, Rise of the Planet of the Apes:

1. The apes are the headliners.

The gorillas, chimps and orangutans are the featured attraction­s in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes as the action takes place 10 years after the Rise redo. We don’t see humankind (Gary Oldman and Keri Russell among them) until well into the movie. Director Matt Reeves calls this film “the apes’ movie.”

2. In the CGI world, Serkis is a star.

All of the primates are computer-generated images developed from performanc­e capture. It makes Andy Serkis’s character, Caesar, the primate leader, the star of the show.

3. There is animated emoting.

Serkis says the performanc­e capture in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is the best yet. The actor made a name for himself refining the performanc­e technique as Gollum in Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings films. He says Caesar is the most advanced.

“It had all the emotion of a live-action performanc­e,” said Serkis. “Allowing for more facial performanc­e has been a huge shift forward.”

4. Togetherne­ss is a first, too.

Advancemen­ts in audio technology and the developmen­t of computeriz­ed cameras allowed the “ape actors” to be on one set with the director.

“It was one of the first films where we could all be on set together, providing an intimacy to the performanc­es.”

5. Think of him as the Serkis ringmaster.

The British actor turned out to be the fearless performanc­e-capture leader for the actors who were new to the technique.

 ?? Jamie McCarthy/AFP/Getty Images ?? Andy Serkis in human form.
Jamie McCarthy/AFP/Getty Images Andy Serkis in human form.

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