Calgary Herald




This is rewriting history. There’s another story here and maybe it should be told as well


On June 1, British cyclist and defending Tour de France champion Chris Froome made history by riding his bike from Britain to France, cycling the length of the Channel Tunnel in 55 minutes.

Media variously reported the feat as “groundbrea­king,” “incredible” and “something no one else has ever achieved.”

Wally Michalski of Calgary begs to differ.

He and his friend, Mike Turner, a Regina native, beat Froome to the tunnel’s French terminal at Coquelles by more than 20 years. And they have the grainy photos to prove it.

The pair worked on the Channel Tunnel from 1993 to 1994, when it was under constructi­on. Michalski was on the team that installed communicat­ions in the tunnel. Turner was an engineer.

They became fast friends, bonding over a shared love of cycling. The Kent countrysid­e was the perfect setting for a couple of Canadian bike nuts keen to explore a new country, but one much less scenic ride held an even bigger appeal.

“Once I realized the service tunnel ... went from the UK all the way through to the French side ... my first thought was I need to cycle through the Channel Tunnel, all they way through and back, before anybody else does,” Michalski said.

Turner quickly came on board with the idea and a plan was hatched.

They chose a Sunday in October 1993. Sundays were quieter and the service tunnel, which had held train tracks of its own, was fully paved by then. They took a mountain bike each from the fleet that workers used to get around the British side of the tunnel, flashed their credential­s and headed undergroun­d.

“We were ostensibly going to do some work,” Turner said.

“We made up some fake work that we were going to do and put that in the log.”

Going to work in a tunnel, though, meant dressing accordingl­y: Coveralls, hard hat, steel-toed boots, high-visibility gear, gloves, backpack and a radio. The ride to France and back — 100 kilometres — would be done in this. Then there was the breathing equipment: A double-canister respirator, to be worn at all times. Service trains and vehicles ran on diesel engines at the time, and the tunnel was always thick with fumes.

“You can imagine cycling with all that kit on and trying to suck air through this respirator,” Michalski said.

“They’re only made for breathing normally, not vigorous exercise.”

“It was like Darth Vader on a bike,” Turner said, making comically loud breathing noises.

The only speed bump on the road to France was the halfway point. The Channel Tunnel, even before it was finished, was considered an internatio­nal border, and was policed as such. Michalski and Turner would have to negotiate a manned border crossing. Their plan was simple.

“It was a matter of looking down the tunnel and seeing that there wasn’t anybody standing there, and then getting on the bikes, picking up significan­t speed and just blasting straight through,” Michalski said.

Once at the French portal, the pair had lunch, took some covert photograph­s (cameras were strictly forbidden in the tunnel) and stepped out into the Gallic sun to make their trip official. They saw many French workers, who didn’t seem fazed by their presence, but made sure to steer clear of security personnel. Their bright orange, oversized coveralls were distinctly British alongside the more bespoke beige outfits the French wore.

On the return leg, about five kilometres from the end, Michalski got a flat tire. He didn’t stop.

“There was no way I was going to walk,” he said.

Michalski and Turner’s five-hour trip was an open secret among British tunnel workers, but has remained largely untold since, save for a mention in a 1994 Regina Leader-Post story.

Until, that is, the Tour de France champion made a tilt for the record.

A sleek video, released online this month, shows Froome, resplenden­t in his Team Sky uniform, zooming through a clean, brightly-lit tunnel, making good time to Coquelles on an expensive-looking bike.

“A couple of days (after the video was released) I thought, ‘this is starting to bug me,’” Turner said.

“This is rewriting history. There’s another story here and maybe it should be told as well.”

Turner contacted Jaguar-Land Rover, the Team Sky sponsor that organized the Cycling Under The Sea publicity stunt.

“Official records state that the service tunnel has never been ridden through, end-to-end, on bicycle, so we are very comfortabl­e with the fact that Chris Froome is officially the first person to complete this feat,” came the reply from sponsorshi­p manager James Campbell-Smith.

Eurotunnel, the company that now operates the Channel Tunnel, gave a similar response. Director of public affairs John Keefe did say he knew of Michalski and Turner’s effort, but only unofficial­ly.

“This doesn’t mean that that fabulous tale couldn’t have happened, just that it would have had to have been unofficial and before Eurotunnel started to keep records.”

Michalski and Turner responded in kind:

“You better get used to inserting the qualificat­ion ‘official’ in front of the claim,” they replied to Campbell-Smith.

The email was signed “Mike & Wally. The first to cycle from the UK to France and back again.”

 ?? Mike Turner
Jaguar Cars ?? Tour de France Winner Chris Froome bikes through the Channel Tunnel in June. Inset: Wally Michalski rides during a clandestin­e trip with fellow worker Mike Turner through the Chunnel in October 1993.
Mike Turner Jaguar Cars Tour de France Winner Chris Froome bikes through the Channel Tunnel in June. Inset: Wally Michalski rides during a clandestin­e trip with fellow worker Mike Turner through the Chunnel in October 1993.
 ?? Jenn Pierce/Calgary Herald ?? Calgarian Wally Michalski and his colleague, Mike Turner of Regina, cycled through the Channel Tunnel from England to France, and back again, in October 1993, more than 20 years before the first official trip.
Jenn Pierce/Calgary Herald Calgarian Wally Michalski and his colleague, Mike Turner of Regina, cycled through the Channel Tunnel from England to France, and back again, in October 1993, more than 20 years before the first official trip.
 ?? Jaguar Cars ?? Team Sky rider and Tour de France Winner Chris Froome made headlines by riding his bicycle through the English Channel on June 1.
Jaguar Cars Team Sky rider and Tour de France Winner Chris Froome made headlines by riding his bicycle through the English Channel on June 1.

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