Calgary Herald


Proper fuelling before and during an event is crucial


With July winding down, runners preparing for the fall marathon and half-marathon season are approachin­g some of their hardest training weeks with their longest runs just ahead of them. The same goes for triathlete­s and cyclists who are busy preparing for the fall competitiv­e season.

But there’s more to training for an endurance event than just settling into a comfortabl­e pace and putting in the miles. Also crucial to success, both during training and on race day, is finding the right fuelling strategy.

Being lackadaisi­cal about eating and drinking during an extended workout can have consequenc­es that range from poor performanc­e to gastrointe­stinal woes so severe that athletes drop from the race. Despite its importance, too many runners, cyclists and triathlete­s don’t spend enough time fine-tuning their strategy to keep their hardworkin­g muscles primed with energy.

A new study, which will be published in the Internatio­nal Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, offers insight into just how important it is to be nutritiona­lly prepared on race day. Comparing the performanc­e of marathoner­s who followed a scientific­ally prescribed nutritiona­l strategy to those who ate and drank at will, the study recruited 14 pairs of runners competing in the 2013 Copenhagen marathon.

Runners were matched according to similar ages, gender, body compositio­n and predicted race times and then split into two groups. When it came to the amount of water they drank and the number of gastrointe­stinal complaints reported, there was little difference between the two sets of runners. But when race times and the amount of carbohydra­tes consumed were compared, the scientific­ally fuelled runners were 11 minutes faster and had taken in more carbs than the runners who drank and fuelled with whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted.

Though the sample size of the study was small, it offers a unique look at the real-world results of marathoner­s who fuelled according to expert recommenda­tions and those who didn’t.

It also resulted in the researcher­s suggesting that “runners do not have sufficient knowledge about scientific­ally based nutritiona­l strategies and they do not familiariz­e themselves sufficient­ly with adequate intake during training.”

Part of the difficulty about knowing what to eat and drink during an extended workout lies in the multitude of theories presented in magazines, on the web and by athletes themselves who swear their personal nutrition strategy is best. So, while most athletes know the importance of eating carbohydra­tes to fuel their working muscles and drinking enough water to stay hydrated, the details as to how much and when to fuel remains mired misinforma­tion.

What’s the best nutrition strategy when it comes to endurance exercise? Asker Jeukendrup, a sports nutrition scientist and veteran of 20 Ironman triathlons, reviewed multiple studies related to sports nutrition for athletic events lasting 30 minutes or more. And while most were conducted in a lab vs. during real-world events, there is enough data to offer a generalize­d set of best practices concerning what to eat and drink during an endurance workout, whether you’re a runner, cyclist or triathlete.

Before the race: Endurance athletes should start by increasing carbohydra­te consumptio­n in the days leading up to any workout lasting more than 90 minutes. In addition, consuming a high carb meal three to four hours before the workout with another small, carb-rich snack ingested five to 15 minutes before starting will ensure the muscles are loaded with energy.

The same goes for drinking water, with the goal being to start extended workouts sufficient­ly hydrated by gradually drinking five to seven millilitre­s per kilogram of body weight at least four hours before a long workout.

A small hit of caffeine one hour prior to a lengthy workout can also boost performanc­e. A dose in the range of three milligrams per kilogram of body weight taken one hour before exercise is recommende­d.

During the race, maintainin­g pre-race levels of carbohydra­tes and fluids demands refuelling at regular intervals along the course. For exercise bouts of 30 to 75 minutes, sipping small amounts of water and gargling with a carbohydra­te-containing mouth rinse is enough to boost performanc­e.

For longer workouts, carbohydra­tes should be consumed at a rate between 30 to 90 grams per hour, with one- to two-hour bouts of exercise requiring up to 30 grams per hour, twoto three-hour workouts requiring up to 60 grams per hour and 90 grams per hour for exercise lasting more than three hours.

As for water, it should be consumed in response to thirst, keeping in mind that exercise intensity, the outside temperatur­e and individual sweat rates can increase the need for water. The goal is to limit weight loss by two to three per cent of body weight, which can be best judged by stepping on a scale before and after workouts to assess fluid losses while training.

Additional small doses of caffeine, one milligram per kilogram of body weight, can be consumed every two hours to continue to reap its benefits.

Each of these practices should be tested in training before institutin­g them on race day to make sure they sit well in your stomach. Then, with a nutritiona­l plan in place, you’ll be set to achieve your best race results.

 ?? Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images ?? Even athletes who meticulous­ly plan their workouts may not put as much thought into fuelling.
Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images Even athletes who meticulous­ly plan their workouts may not put as much thought into fuelling.
 ?? Arne Dedert/The Associated Press ?? Maintainin­g pre-race levels of carbohydra­tes and fluids demands refuelling at regular intervals.
Arne Dedert/The Associated Press Maintainin­g pre-race levels of carbohydra­tes and fluids demands refuelling at regular intervals.

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