Calgary Herald



Nice weather brings noise from above

These days, when the weather is nice and the southerly winds are blowing, the planes will take off over my house. Even though this news is old, I’m sure it will be revisited next spring when more people are out and windows are open. Being placated by the Calgary Airport Authority saying they hear our complaints isn’t fixing the issue.

It has been almost six months since the runway opened and nothing has changed. I hope to keep this issue alive, as the noise can be so loud, frequent and intrusive to one’s daily life. Nancy Conard, Calgary

Theory of man Re: “Stupid is as stupid does,” Dec. 12.

This study supports a theory I’ve been developing over many years that I like to call the “primitive man” theory. In the old days, men spent their time hunting to feed their tribes or building fortresses and sharpening spears to protect their clans. The threats were real, and the risks they took had a purpose and were necessary to survive.

Today, men live largely sedentary, peaceful lives with no way to expend all that primal physical energy inherited from their ancestors. Their heroic role as protectors and providers has been reduced to picking up toilet paper and pizza on the way home from the office. There are no crowds waiting to hail their return with cheers and celebrator­y dances.

I think this is why some modern men get into so much trouble. They’ve got too much energy and none of those old, heroic pursuits to channel it into. Michelle Cook, Calgary

Homophobia Re: “Nenshi slams Bill 10,” Dec. 12.

Are Albertans really so backward that the Conservati­ves are afraid to enact a provision that simply allows a refuge from discrimina­tion for vulnerable children? Please don’t tell me it has anything to do with school board autonomy. It’s homophobia, pure and simple.

Our government and the population at large should be ashamed of themselves for allowing the formation of such clubs to become a political question necessitat­ing court involvemen­t. Really, I don’t get it! Chris Macdonald, Calgary

An end to hockey Re: “Emissions rules can’t hurt economy, premier says,” Dec. 10.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper said it would be crazy to penalize the oil and gas sectors in any way at this time, due to low oil prices. Since we are unwilling to curb the oil and gas sector’s carbon footprint, we will have to look elsewhere. To show the world that Canada is serious about fighting climate change, we could eliminate something we all love, such as hockey, with all its indoor arenas and teams flying, busing and driving all across Canada. Not to mention the fans driving to the games and parents taking their kids to and from practice and games.

Banning indoor hockey would greatly reduce Canada’s carbon footprint while having little effect on the oil and gas sectors.

Then, when the world criticizes the oilsands, we can say we gave up something almost as important as life to fight climate change — what have you done? Robert Clark, Calgary

Treating symptoms Re: “Thousands of abused Alberta women have nowhere to turn,” Naomi Lakritz, Opinion, Dec. 11.

I am concerned at the demand for more women’s shelters. If the demand is so great, surely the instigator­s of so much domestic violence should be called to account. Why are these perpetrato­rs still walking the streets, while the victims are in hiding?

Anyone who abuses another should be hauled into court and punished. How about detention houses for them, instead of removing women, and often their children, from their homes, schools and friends?

Women’s shelters are really only treating the symptoms and not the cause. Vera McIntosh, Calgary

All suffer Re: “Sharing the pain,” Letter, Dec. 11.

Does Marvin Matthews not realize that Alberta gives lots of money in transfer payments to Eastern Canada? That’s why Quebec can have $7-a-day daycare, among other things in other provinces.

Yes, the rest of Canada suffers, too, when the price of oil is down. Ruby Mailander, Calgary

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