Calgary Herald

We all can play a positive role in reconcilia­tion

Lubicon band faces challenges, writes Chief Billy Joe Laboucan

- Billy Joe Laboucan is the elected chief of the Lubicon Lake Band.

This morning, I’ll be meeting with Premier Jim Prentice and Aboriginal Affairs Minister Bernard Valcourt to announce a significan­t developmen­t in the ongoing land claim talks between the Lubicon Lake Band and the government of Canada. It’s an important milestone that builds on the negotiatio­n framework we signed with Canada in December.

Albertans, Canadians and the Lubicon can be proud of the progress we’re making. Less than three years ago, this would have been impossible. Today, it’s important to reflect on how far we’ve come, the effort that’s been required to get here, and the support and fortitude we’ll need from all quarters in facing the potential bumps, detours and risks that remain ahead on the road to reconcilia­tion.

The recent history of our nation hasn’t been easy. We sit among the second largest oilsands deposit in the province, and yet for years, our community has gone without running water, sewers or even recognized government. With an unsettled land claim and divided leadership, our people were stuck for decades in a limbo fuelled by tens of millions of dollars of unaccounte­d resource revenue. Doing business in communitie­s without clear governance is never a good idea. Fortunatel­y for the Lubicon, we have a government again.

Two years ago, our community said enough was enough. We held an election using a legitimate election code and secret ballot. Our new chief and council were recognized by Canada and Alberta, and this jump- started our land claim and produced positive changes for our community.

As our nation emerges from the fog of limbo, gathering ourselves and moving forward with reconcilia­tion, we must avoid the old sources of division. In this respect, the media, resource companies and civil society all have a role to play in supporting us. This means doing due diligence in researchin­g our community before reporting stories, donating to “causes,” or undertakin­g resource developmen­t that involves our traditiona­l territory.

By now, most companies have eschewed the “divide and conquer” style of consultati­on, correctly understand­ing that resource revenues and decision- making must flow through our nation’s democratic­ally elected government. However, not all have, and even the smallest amounts of misappropr­iated funding, or misplaced media coverage, breathe new life into those who would threaten to stunt the progress our community has made in making a new reality for ourselves.

Nine days ago, Murphy Oil revealed it had spilled 17,000 barrels of condensate in our territory. Rather than reporting the spill to our community’s elected chief and council in a timely fashion, the company chose to report it to the former, unelected chief first. This delayed our community from taking action to engage with cleanup efforts and resulted in a breach of territoria­l protocol with neighbouri­ng nations. We have since written to the CEO of Murphy Oil, reminding him of our new governance.

When the condensate story broke, The Canadian Press dutifully reported the spill with the headline, “Lubicon Lake chief responds to Murphy oil spill in northern Alberta,” thereby legitimizi­ng the old unelected chief and perpetuati­ng public confusion about our nation. This is just one example of how poor consultati­on practices and poor reporting can work to destabiliz­e a community.

Civil society isn’t immune to having a destabiliz­ing effect either.

McGill University recently invited family members of the old administra­tion — a family identified in a recent forensic audit as having paid itself more than $ 3.3 million dollars over a four- year period from our community’s developmen­t corporatio­n — to speak about aboriginal title. We told the event organizers the speakers were unelected and subject to a request to participat­e in restorativ­e justice circles. We never heard back.

A nation must be strong and stable before it can discern its own truth and intention to reconcile, both with itself and with other government­s. The approach that Canada and Alberta are taking to our land claim negotiatio­ns is positive and shows an appreciati­on of those needs.

We all have a role to play in supporting reconcilia­tion.

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