Calgary Herald


Great routes exist everywhere, says walking guru Lori Beattie.


No one could accuse author Lori Beattie of not practising what she preaches.

The day of her interview to promote her new book, Calgary’s Best Walks (Fit Frog, 240 pages, $ 26.96), was not particular­ly balmy or sunny. But by the time she calls in at 11 a.m., Beattie has already been on a walking adventure in Calgary’s inner city.

“I had another interview so I walked to it,” says Beattie excitedly, who lives with her husband and two children in Marda Loop. “My daughter actually told me ‘Mom, you’re going to Inglewood. You should walk there instead of doing whatever else you do in the morning.’ That’s a great idea! I got my bread on the way at Manuel Latrue and had a coffee at Gravity and then I walked home. It was awesome.”

It’s hard not to get caught up in Beattie’s enthusiasm. Once dubbed the “Queen of the Urban Hike,” she has made it her mission to get car-obsessed Calgarians exploring their city on foot.

Her first book, Calgary’s Best Walks and Hikes, came out in 2002 and made the case that Cowtown and surroundin­g area was a largely untapped paradise of urban and nature strolls. The new book features 35 new walks within the city, revealing it to be rife with hidden pathways and stairways, interconne­cting neighbourh­oods and green spaces that seem to magically appear in the midst of suburbia.

In 1997, Beattie opened Fit Frog Adventures, organizing and leading city and Rocky Mountain Walks. Of course, being so close to the mountains can be both a blessing and a curse for Calgarians. It’s a blessing because, well, we’re close to the mountains. But it’s a curse because it means residents tend to overlook the green spaces in our own backyard in favour of a mass exodus to Kananaskis Country or Banff whenever the weather gets warm.

“Calgary is fantastic for wilderness in the city,” Beattie says. “That’s the first thing when I moved here in 1992. I lived in a suburb for awhile out in Riverbend and I would go down to Carburn Park and there would be deer. I’m from New Brunswick originally and we have a lot of wilderness, but you do not see deer when you go walking in a town. It just does not happen. So I could not believe that you are in a suburb and then all of a sudden you’re in this wilderness area with deer. On the Weaselhead, I’ve seen moose on the trail, bobcats, there’s bears occasional­ly in there.”

In fact, Calgary has no shortage of these types of nature pockets, whether it’s the new Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park, Nose Hill Park, Bowmont Park Natural Area or the Weaselhead Flats.

“The Weaselhead trail system is phenomenal,” Beattie says. “You have no idea you’re in the city. You don’t even see a lot of people, which is really neat. You will on the Glenmore pathway, which is very popular, but once you get off onto the dirt trails it’s your own little oasis in the middle of the city.”

But the new book dedicates just as much space to those areas that are heavily populated with people. The urban jaunts are a great way to get to know the city — the people, the architectu­re, the interconne­cting neighbourh­oods, the pubs, cafes and restaurant­s.

“What makes a great walk depends on who you are,” she says. “In my book there are a lot of sidebars that cover the range.

“You might want to go for coffee because you like a social walk and you like to have a destinatio­n with that instant food or good drinks or ice cream. It could be that you like history, so you want to know about the older neighbourh­oods and immigrant history in say Bridgeland. So you head there and see some older homes. Or you might like gardens, so you head into Mount Royal and check out their gardens in the summer. You might like commercial streets, Mount Royal has 17th Avenue. You might like art, so you go downtown. People like things that are unexpected. That makes a good urban walk. Ramsay or Inglewood is good for that. You don’t know what you’ll see around the corner.”

I could not believe that you are in a suburb and then all of a sudden you’re in this wilderness area with deer. On the Weaselhead, I’ve seen moose on the trail, bobcats, there’s bears occasional­ly in there.

 ?? TED RHODES/ CALGARY HERALD ?? Lori Beattie, who has written a book on Calgary’s best strolls, enjoys a recent walk through Kensington.
TED RHODES/ CALGARY HERALD Lori Beattie, who has written a book on Calgary’s best strolls, enjoys a recent walk through Kensington.

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