Calgary Herald

Budget 2015: Of mountains and mice


Re: “Budget badly missed opportunit­y to reimagine Alberta,” Deborah Yedlin, Opinion, March 27.

Deborah Yedlin is absolutely right. After all the hype about the budget, upon its delivery, it reminded me of the maxim “while the mountains laboured they brought forth a mouse.”

The so-called pain is a scratch here, a bruise there and a bump somewhere else. Premier Jim Prentice tinkered, adjusted somewhat and dithered. He had the opportunit­y to show leadership, and instead, succumbed to political expediency. He failed miserably.

This is not a conservati­ve budget; it is one we could expect from a Liberal or even an NDP government. A two-per-cent sales tax would accomplish more than all this massaging of numbers. But no, he could not do this because we have never had one. Too bad.

As for his 10-year plan, Yedlin is correct that it is speculativ­e and not worth the paper it is written on.

Gerry Burden, Calgary

False pretences

Yup, tax the debt-burdened consumers even more! Premier Jim Prentice’s intent to wean Alberta taxation off oil appears like he is pretending the oilpatch doesn’t exist and shouldn’t be taxed. The Tories keep under-taxing large corporatio­ns, and by extension, their shareholde­rs outside of Alberta or outside of Canada.

Shouldn’t the Alberta government be taxing resources for the benefit of residents, not taxing residents for the benefit of resource extractors?

Mark Ruthenberg, Calgary

Same old road

Our fat, overfed government feels health-care premiums will fix its financial woes. How many times must we go down this road? Health-care premiums did not help before. What will change this time?

We need the government and all public trough feeders to be held fiscally accountabl­e and responsibl­e. We cannot take any more.

You all may think Albertans have endless wealth hidden in some secret drawer. But the destructio­n of the middle class is not healthy in any society and that is what is happening. Shame on all of you, and stop it. Time to get a grip on reality. The Alberta Advantage was all an illusion of political hype.

Jacqueline Stoop, Calgary

Charities will suffer

The Alberta government chops the tax credit for charitable donations because it says donors are often motivated by factors other than tax savings. Coupled with new health-care premiums, a gas tax increase and a tax increase for Albertans making higher incomes, donors now have motivation to give less.

There’s no new corporate tax because government says that would send the wrong message to corporatio­ns. So, what message is the government sending to charitable organizati­ons? In tough times, the less fortunate need the most support. The government just kicked charities where it hurts.

Tony Rino, Calgary

It’s a tax

The reintroduc­tion of the health contributi­on levy is a sham and dishonest. Like the previous health-care premiums, the revenue will go into general coffers — not the health budget.

Call it what it is — a tax. No wonder our health-care system is underfunde­d. Where else could you get away with this other than politics?

George Lepard, Cochrane

No more chances

All that can be said about the budget with its tax increases, levies and deficit, is that the Tories had their chance — 44 years’ worth. If this doesn’t signal to Alberta voters that a change is due, what can?

We have seen Conservati­ve government­s good and bad — the past 10 years, mostly bad — who squandered our oil resource money and health care so blatantly. These are good enough reasons why this party, no matter who the leader is, should be put into opposition.

We need a new direction, not an old approach. Please vote in the next election. Let our votes matter, and let’s not be complacent.

Don Caponigro, Strathmore

Happy to give back

I much prefer Jim Prentice’s Alberta Advantage to the one attributed to Ralph Klein. Klein’s advantage was based mostly on luck, as he was able to keep taxes low by depending on high natural gas prices.

Prentice has shown courage and integrity in creating his Alberta Advantage. He has asked us all to think less about our own immediate needs and more about the common good. He wants us to have a vision of Alberta that takes into account future generation­s.

I am 73 years old with the beginnings of an arthritic hip, but I will gladly pay more in taxes and health levies if it means an easier life for my children and grandchild­ren. People like me have benefited so much from years of low taxes, we should be perfectly willing now to give back more.

It is time to be more grateful and to think of the importance of allowing the Heritage Fund to grow and of creating a more stable financial environmen­t where we are not at the mercy of oil prices.

Peter Mannistu, Calgary

Off to Edmonton Re: “Government paring down Calgary Young Offender Centre, moving youth to Edmonton,” March 25.

This is a great way to save money. While we’re at it, why not save even more money by building the new Calgary cancer centre in Edmonton?

This certainly wouldn’t pose access challenges more onerous for those of us in north Calgary than the proposed South Campus location. And how about relocating all Calgary surgical, cancer and cardio facilities to Edmonton as well for truly vast savings?

On top of it all, we get rid of all those sick people! The empty hospitals here could then be converted into highdensit­y housing, helping to satisfy the city’s priority of having us all living on top of each other. Time, indeed, to start thinking outside the box.

Garth Klatt, Calgary

Do the right thing Re: “McIver plays dumb on farm workers’ rights,” Naomi Lakritz, Opinion, March 27.

Another Tory tradition continues with the deliberate exclusion of farm workers from all pieces of workplace legislatio­n. When a farm worker is injured or killed, his or her family receives no compensati­on — something the rest of us take for granted.

There is no gathering of statistics of farm worker injury rates, and their deaths are not counted in provincial WCB totals. Farm workers in Alberta don’t count. There are no investigat­ions of farm worker deaths; there are no incentives to improve safety.

When Kevan Chandler died, it took his wife, Lorna, six years to receive compensati­on. She had to sue the farm and had to work three jobs to make ends meet. The rest of the country has been able to include farm workers in workplace legislatio­n without the sky falling.

Labour Minister Ric McIver and Premier Jim Prentice should do the right thing and include farm workers in the Occupation­al Health and Safety Act, the Workers’ Compensati­on Act, the Alberta Employment Standards Code, and the Alberta Labour Relations Code. Alexander Shevalier, Calgary Shevalier is president, Calgary and District Labour Council.

EDMONTON JOURNAL ?? Premier Jim Prentice, left, and Finance Minister Robin Campbell leave the legislatur­e after the budget was tabled Thursday.
ED KAISER/ EDMONTON JOURNAL Premier Jim Prentice, left, and Finance Minister Robin Campbell leave the legislatur­e after the budget was tabled Thursday.

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