Calgary Herald

Tory refinery plan called ‘ boondoggle’

Caucus didn’t understand risks: ex- minister


Most of the Progressiv­e Conservati­ve caucus didn’t understand Alberta taxpayers would be on the hook for $ 26 billion when they approved a deal to build a bitumen refinery north of Edmonton, says former PC finance minister Ted Morton.

Morton, who twice ran unsuccessf­ully for the Tory leadership, said politics and the “siren song of economic diversific­ation” — rather than common sense — led the PC government to commit billions of dollars of taxpayers’ money to the North West Upgrader.

“What began as a low- risk, lowcost project to encourage domestic bitumen upgrading has morphed into a multibilli­on- dollar boondoggle with high risks for Alberta taxpayers,” the political science professor said in a paper released Wednesday by the University of Calgary School of Public Policy.

He said $ 26 billion in committed refinery tolls translates into a processing cost of $ 63 per barrel, “making it almost impossible for the investment to break even.”

“The new NWU arrangemen­t was presented to cabinet and caucus as a done deal that would deliver on the premier’s promise to incent more upgrading in Alberta,” Morton explained in the academic paper that reads more like a tellall tale. “Caucus heard a lot about capturing the ‘ value- added,’ but was told almost nothing about the significan­t financial risk that the GOA ( government of Alberta) was now assuming. I am certain that the majority of caucus did not even understand the changes that had been made to the original deal.” He said the deal, “cheered on by Edmontonar­ea ministers and MLAs,” got a “free pass” through caucus.

The fact the project features a carbon capture and storage component was also a factor in the government’s agreement to new terms when the economy collapsed, threatenin­g the deal in 2008, he said.

“That was a contributi­ng factor,” he said in an interview. “We committed $ 2 billion as part of a carbon dioxide reduction strategy so if this could contribute to that, that was important.”

Morton said he objected in vain to the new deal, but it was championed by then premier Ed Stelmach and Doug Horner, who represente­d the riding where the refinery, now called the Sturgeon Refinery, is being built. “All the crucial decisions were made by a small working group of ministers and senior officials,” he said.

The initial plan to promote bitumen upgrading in Alberta was a good idea, but it became risky when the government agreed to commit to toll payments, loans and loan guarantees to help the project lure investors as constructi­on costs doubled to $ 8 billion, he said.

There’s probably little the government can do about the project now, Morton added. “I would be surprised if there is a way out.”

Morton said economic diversific­ation projects often tend to be motivated by politics rather than economic viability, and the economic risks are seldom assessed by high- quality, independen­t profession­als.

Morton said there is also a tendency for government to take most of the risks, provide most of the capital and receive little of the profits. “Alberta’s new premier and his successors should think long and hard before succumbing to the next version of the diversific­ation siren song of ‘ Refine It Where You Mine It,’” Morton said.

Wildrose Leader Brian Jean said it is “absolutely shocking” such a massive commitment was made by a few cabinet ministers without hearings before legislatur­e committees or debate in the assembly.

“A handful of cabinet ministers and a few bureaucrat­s decided everything and everyone else is left in the dark,” he noted. “This is how they have been running this government.”

Edmonton- Highlands- Norwood NDP candidate Brian Mason said his party has been concerned for some time about public funds going into the refinery.

“I think it’s a mistake to get directly involved in loan guarantees and government financing of private projects,” he said.

Mason said the key is to put a royalty and tax policy in place that will provide companies the incentive to invest in refining in Alberta.

PC Leader Jim Prentice was unavailabl­e for comment, but his spokesman Mike Storeshaw pointed out the key decisions on the project predate the premier’s arrival in office.

“At this time, there are contractua­l agreements in place for the project, and we have no intention of breaking those contracts,” Storeshaw said.

Alberta Federation of Labour president Gil McGowan said the

I think it’s a mistake to get directly involved in loan guarantees and government financing of private projects. NDP CANDIDATE BRIAN MASON

mishandlin­g of the refinery file only shows the government is incompeten­t — and not that refining isn’t economical in Alberta. “We think the evidence is still clear that both refining and upgrading make sense in Alberta as long as the margins remain wide,” he said.

 ??  ?? Ted Morton
Ted Morton

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