Calgary Herald

Axe throwers aim to grow in Calgary

Club in Sunridge Mall caters to rapidly- growing sport

- CHRIS NELSON Chris Nelson is a Calgary writer whose column appears every Thursday.

A cultural phenomenon that swept Toronto will make its debut in Calgary this summer — axe throwing.

Tens of thousands of people are already fans of the sport, which had its genesis less than a decade ago as a way to beat the rained- out cottage weekend blues.

That’s when Matt Wilson first learned to throw an axe — a moment that would change his life, though at the time, he had no idea where it would lead.

But there is something primal about the act, he describes it as a visceral experience — watching the axe as it spins through the air and hits a target with a deeply satisfying thud.

That thud hasn’t yet been heard around the world but it certainly has reverberat­ed across the Greater Toronto Area where four clubs are founded, with a fifth in Durham, Ontario and, coming soon to a location near Sunridge Mall, will be the sixth.

“We’re getting the doors open in July so people can come and get to know us and our goal is to have it open officially on August 1. My parents are both from Alberta and I spent some time in Calgary as a kid growing up and I think what we do is a really good fit for the city,” said Wilson, the proud CEO of the BATL.

BATL is the Backyard Axe Throwing League and it has touched a nerve with both men and women looking for a different type of experience. Wilson believes it’s a bonding thing — a way to get people’s heads out of their smartphone­s. Whatever the reason there’s no arguing with success.

After Calgary, the league is set to open another club in Ottawa, and by next year, axe throwing is scheduled to make its debut south of the border.

The growth has been remarkable. Even today Wilson, who was working in a bar when he first started the league, is trying to come to terms with the roller- coaster ride he’s on.

“The last couple of years have been a joy to experience. The growth has been amazing. I’m a little overwhelme­d and every day is a learning curve,” he says.

He had no idea what he’d stumbled upon back in 2006. He liked the feel of throwing an axe and decided to set up some targets in his backyard. He badgered a few friends into having a go, and soon he had enough interest to start an amateur league. That lasted for a couple of years so he decided to expand by advertisin­g on social media and was swamped with interested replies. The two targets evolved into four, the league moved out of his backyard into an indoor facility, almost by accident, axe throwing took off.

The league play was one thing, but Wilson discovered people were looking for a one- night only group experience, so axe throwing quickly became popular with people who previously could hardly tell one end of a hatchet from the other.

“There is something very visceral about it. It really does tune into something primal in our nature and it is super satisfying when you are throwing this through the air and you get to see it spin and stick to a target. That sound, when it hits the target, reverberat­es through you,” says Wilson.

By 2012 Wilson had ditched the bar work and was working on establishi­ng the league full time. After two years, 70,000 people were walking through the doors annually.

Questions about safety are the first that he faces. Yet in the decade the Backyard Axe Throwing League has been in existence, the only injuries have been a few cuts to throwers’ hands.

“Just about anything can be dangerous — any sport or activity. We maintain a very strict safety policy. We have a coach in the lanes between every two throwers and everyone is monitored very closely.” says Wilson.

“We have had tens of thousands of people through our doors and have an excellent injury record. The only thing we have ever had were a couple of people that required a few stitches to their hands.”

Wilson speaks about the appeal to primal man and, in the early days, axe throwing was overwhelmi­ngly a male activity. But now almost half his customers are women.

“In the beginning we only had one female but now our attendance is about 55- to 45- per cent male to female. We don’t split gender in the league either. We are a firm believer that it is about technique and not power, so strength doesn’t necessaril­y play a part. The women like the idea that everyone competes on an equal footing and anyone can win,” he added.

So what makes a good axe thrower?

“The biggest trick for a good throw is to follow through. Engage your whole body. You do not want to snap or flick the axe — you want to let it do the work for you. We try and make the comparison with a golf swing or a tennis serve, 90 per cent is in the follow through.

“We often coach people to throw with less power when they come out for the first time. Some guys show up and they think they have to throw a fastball right from the start. We put a stop to that. It should be nice and controlled and smooth,” said Wilson.

He says there soon becomes a sense of community among these modern- day Vikings and that the three hours, which comprise a BATL night, pass quickly and enjoyably. The move to Calgary will show if axe throwing can travel and not be just a Toronto- centric fad. Wilson is in no doubt. “I am a firm believer that just about everyone wants to throw an axe. They just don’t know it yet.”

Engage your whole body. You do not want to snap or flick the axe — you want to let it do the work for you.

 ?? GAVIN YOUNG/ CALGARY HERALD ?? Matt Wilson of the Backyard Axe Throwing League describes throwing an axe as a visceral experience.
GAVIN YOUNG/ CALGARY HERALD Matt Wilson of the Backyard Axe Throwing League describes throwing an axe as a visceral experience.

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