Calgary Herald

Training the way we were born to move


Modern convenienc­es have changed the way people live and move.

Humans are meant to move, yet our lifestyles have taken us further and further away from our true nature, disconnect­ing us physically and mentally from the joy of movement.

This has lead to an evolution of natural human movement as a training technique in fitness and health. Unlike our ancestors, we no longer hunt, farm or gather to survive. In fact, in modern day life, the only surfing most of us will ever do is on the Internet.

For the most part, unless we make a conscious effort to be physically active, we barely have to move to live. Even occupation­s that at one time involved physical labour have decreased the human effort required with advanced technology. This dramatic change in our habits and everyday lifestyle is leading to a new way of thinking and training to stay fit, healthy and well.

A growing interest in human movement is unfolding in the fitness industry. Fitness profession­als and training educators are talking about primal movement pattern, animal moves and natural movement. Even large fitness apparel companies are supporting and promoting being more human.

Primal movement training refers to movement patterns that are essential for normal function. The common movements are squatting, lunging, lifting, pushing, pulling, hinging, rotating and gait.

Taking this philosophy further, coaches and trainers are now developing systems that reflect the necessary skills to be functional as humans.

An evolving human movement training method is MovNat. This system of fitness and physical education is based on the full range of natural human movement.

MovNat certified trainer Stefano Tripney describes this form of training as the developmen­t of physical competence and mindset in order to better perform in a variety of practical, real- world situations in both the urban landscape as well as less forgiving terrain and surfaces of the wild natural world. It involves locomotive skills like jumping, running, climbing, crawling, vaulting and rolling. And manipulati­ve skills like carrying, throwing and catching.

Founded by Erwan Le Corre, MovNat is a methodolog­y that was developed through his experience­s while being active in nature and training in various sports. Seeing a missing link in current training methods and human behaviour, he researched ancient practices of physical fitness to develop a system that has a broad spectrum of human movement and health.

According to Tripney, MovNat is endless in the ways you can train. Movement developmen­t is depending on needs and goals of the individual and the progressio­n towards mastery of the skills. Skillbased training can be developed by addressing a multitude of factors: balance, timing, selective tension, breathing, posture and mindfulnes­s.

More important, there is a practice purpose for everything that can be developed in or outside of the gym. In the gym, you may do manoeuvres on the balance beam, work on swings, climbing ropes or jumping boxes that can then be taken outdoors and applied to uneven terrains, logs, trees and rock.

“Everybody, at some point, wants to jump, climb, swing and run,” says Tripney. “There is huge benefit to both the neurology and nervous system simply by learning and performing a new movement pattern. Humans have evolved to move in this way, therefore it’s incredibly instinctua­l.”

All movement is a learned skill. Through repetition and neuromuscu­lar programmin­g, we build efficiency, effectiven­ess and adaptabili­ty. When the body stops moving, this programmin­g shuts down and dysfunctio­n kicks in.

Natural human movement specialist­s create opportunit­ies to train in a variety of environmen­ts for optimal results. The training focus includes strength, endurance, mobility, co- ordination, timing, adaptabili­ty, agility and mental focus.

More and more evidence is indicating that moving your body in a wide variety of ways is ideal in avoiding overuse injuries and for optimal health and wellness. In fact, the more diversity you have in your fitness program, the better it is for lasting results.

Life is unpredicta­ble. Human movement specialist­s train you to be adaptable, gain knowledge of how to move your body and to reconnect to movement and the world around you.

CALGARY HERALD ?? Stefano Tripney is a MovNat certified trainer.
LORRAINE HJALTE/ CALGARY HERALD Stefano Tripney is a MovNat certified trainer.
 ?? LORRAINE HJALTE/ CALGARY HERALD ?? Stefano Tripney says MovNat, which involves skills from jumping, climbing and crawling, to carrying and catching, is endless in the ways individual­s can train, depending on goals and needs.
LORRAINE HJALTE/ CALGARY HERALD Stefano Tripney says MovNat, which involves skills from jumping, climbing and crawling, to carrying and catching, is endless in the ways individual­s can train, depending on goals and needs.

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