Calgary Herald

Fire evacuees return home

- JASON WARICK With files from Janet French

Reae Mackay turns 10 years old today, and for the past two weeks he had only one birthday request. “I wanted to see my dad,” he said. Reae got his wish, as he and thousands of other forest fire evacuees were allowed to return home to La Ronge, Air Ronge and most Lac La Ronge Indian Band (LLRIB) communitie­s on Friday.

Reae and his mom, Michelle, as well as their Labradoodl­e, Ben, had joined the unpreceden­ted exodus south as wildfires raged just kilometres from their La Ronge home. More than 10,000 people sought shelter with friends, family or in Red Cross facilities across the province and in Cold Lake, Alta.

Reae’s dad, Scott, was working on a northern power line project before returning to the La Ronge area a week ago to help with the firefighti­ng effort.

The family was reunited Friday evening when Reae and Michelle pulled into the driveway of their quiet crescent. Michelle, a health region manager, was preparing to head to work to help set up health services for the returning masses.

The road block and evacuation orders for some communitie­s such as the Montreal Lake Cree Nation, the town of La Loche and others were lifted earlier in the week, but the bulk of those affected live in the La Ronge area.

The announceme­nt of the evacuation order being lifted for La Ronge came following a Friday morning meeting. Officials determined the recent rain and firefighti­ng efforts had eliminated the immediate threat.

Those with breathing problems are asked to stay away for a couple more days until the smoke dissipates, and the smaller LLRIB reserves of Hall Lake and Sucker River remain under an evacuation order due to fire.

The road into La Ronge, which was accessible only to emergency staff or those passing through by convoy, was reopened at 1 p.m.

Those with their own vehicles started to pour in immediatel­y, but the bulk of residents are expected during the weekend once buses can collect them.

“It’s so good. I’m so happy to be heading home,” said Leah Fitch-Halkett, who stayed with her husband and two kids in Prince Albert. “The city is so crazy, so fast, and so expensive.”

LLRIB Coun. Sam Roberts, one of hundreds who stayed to fight fires or manage services for workers, said it was exciting to see the vehicles packed full returning on the highway Friday.

He said the upheaval would be traumatic for any Saskatchew­an resident, but even more so for most northern residents. Roughly 90 per cent of LLRIB members have lived in the north their entire lives, and many have never been to a city the size of P.A.

“Imagine what that’s like for them. It’s been a long haul,” he said.

Bringing evacuated communitie­s back to life — particular­ly one the size of La Ronge — is complicate­d. Before people can return home, hospitals and health centres must be back up and running, said Duane McKay, commission­er of emergency management and fire safety for the province.

Stores need a chance to restock food and other supplies. In fact, local leaders were telling evacuees to bring a stash of food and drink home with them.

Power and phone systems are up and running across areas affected by wildfire, said spokespeop­le for SaskTel and SaskPower.

More than 1,600 people were battling forest fires in the province at last count, including 525 members of the military.

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