Calgary Herald

Achieving the impossible: an agreement

But details on energy strategy turn out to be reassuring­ly fuzzy

- GRAHAM THOMSON St . John’s, N. L. Edmonton Journal

It’s not as if the premiers walked across the waters of St. John’s Harbour Friday — but their Council of the Federation meeting was something of a miracle, nonetheles­s.

Despite a war of words between Saskatchew­an Premier Brad Wall and other premiers, they unanimousl­y signed on to a Canadian Energy Strategy, a deal designed, among other things, to fasttrack pipeline constructi­on while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

New Brunswick Premier Brian Gallant, who desperatel­y wants the proposed $12-billion Energy East pipeline to ship Alberta bitumen to Saint John, called it a “monumental document.”

It’s not. It is significan­t and it might even prove to be helpful. It is not monumental.

It is not a legally binding document. It doesn’t explain how the premiers should fast-track a particular project and it doesn’t spell out emissions targets. It is a deal that reflects in vague, aspiration­al language, a commitment by provinces to help each other get their particular energy product to market, whether that’s oil, gas, bitumen or hydro electricit­y.

Here’s how the strategy is described in its opening pages: “The Canadian Energy Strategy is intended to be a flexible, living document that will further enable provinces and territorie­s to move forward and collaborat­e on common energy-related interests according to their unique strengths, challenges and priorities.”

It doesn’t exactly lift itself off the page. As Alberta Premier Rachel Notley said, it’s a “high-level document.”

Here, for example, is what it says on ways to speed up projects: “Collaborat­e to identify, reduce, or remove duplicatio­n and inconsiste­ncies between regulatory processes in Canada."

And here it is on vague ways to reduce emissions, without setting any actual targets: “They can range from the use of new technologi­es that mitigate, or capture and store carbon, to policies that encourage the marketplac­e to reduce or eliminate emissions, including setting a price on carbon.”

The premiers, however, are delighted to have managed to commit even these fuzzy goals to paper. They call it a framework for better things to come.

It has taken three years of work, starting with an idea proposed by then-Alberta premier Alison Redford at a premiers’ conference in 2012 as a way to get more of her province’s bitumen to world markets.

Redford, a Progressiv­e Conservati­ve, is gone but ironically her legacy has been carried on by an NDP successor.

At the very least, the premiers managed to produce something that wasn’t the annual plea to Ottawa for more money on health care or infrastruc­ture.

It is a signal to Ottawa — and all Canadians — they are willing to work together. It is a symbol of a renewed alliance between the provinces.

“We have the premiers of Ontario and Quebec acknowledg­ing that we need to move oil across the country and acknowledg­ing that the success of the industry is Canada’s success,” a happy Notley said after the conference.

But did Notley win two allies in Ontario and Quebec while losing one ally in Saskatchew­an’s Brad Wall? Apparently not. Wall’s arrival Thursday might have been accompanie­d with a flourish of sabrerattl­ing but he, too, signed on, apparently satisfied Notley wasn’t giving Ontario and Quebec a de-facto veto over the Energy East pipeline.

He said he was encouraged by a section of the strategy committing the country to energy self-sufficienc­y — to curtail energy imports while increasing energy exports.

He didn’t look particular­ly happy, though, and repeated his assertion that while some unnamed people seemed embarrasse­d by Canada’s energy industry, “oil and gas are not four-letter words.”

That managed to rankle Notley who, after the collegial news conference wrapped up, told journalist­s in two days of closed door meetings nobody expressed any negativity toward the energy industry.

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