Calgary Herald



When someone says, as someone will, “we need a national strategy” for this or that, take note, not of those ringing last two words, but of the first three. For it is there that you will find most of the meaning in this vapid and inescapabl­e phrase.

“We need” is the classic formulatio­n by which the speaker seeks to pre-empt all debate. Had he merely said “I would like” it would have no more weight than do most such statements. But to say “we need” something — well, who can argue with that?

It’s that word “a,” though — “a" national strategy — that’s the clincher. You’d think, given the emergency described in the previous paragraph, the speaker would have one in mind. “First do x, then do y.” But no, his thinking has not progressed to that extent. All he wants — sorry, all we need — is “a” national strategy. Doesn’t matter what it is, apparently, so long as it’s a strategy, and it’s national.

Which takes us to the annual conference of the Council of the Federation, otherwise known as the premiers, and their perennial struggle to come up with “a national energy strategy.” In fairness, the need for such a strategy would seem more than usually mysterious.

Energy — oil and gas, coal, hydro, all the gang — is in most respects provincial jurisdicti­on. So far as the activity in question goes on within a single province, it is for that province to tax and regulate as it sees fit, without let or hindrance from any other government, provincial or federal. One province might wish to exploit a resource to its fullest, as fast as industry can extract it; another might wish to leave it in the ground. Classic federalism.

So far as the activity crosses provincial boundaries, on the other hand — to choose an example at random, a pipeline carrying bitumen from Alberta to one or another of the oceans — it becomes a federal matter. Again, classic federalism: that’s what federal government­s are for. Or (a new twist) so far as the activity affects the planet, as with global warming, it should really be regulated at the global level — though in the absence of a global regulator, this has been left to national government­s.

At any rate, it’s difficult to see what there is in all this for the premiers to negotiate. Not only do they lack any lawful authority to enforce whatever agreement they might reach upon each other, each being sovereign in its own right, but they lack even the authority to give up their sovereignt­y: all are creatures of the constituti­on, with such powers as it assigns them, no more and no less. So all they could ever really agree to do as a group is what each was planning on doing anyway.

Neverthele­ss, negotiate they have, for five long years, through changes of government in several provinces, all culminatin­g in Friday’s Canadian Energy Strategy — “a flexible, living document,” as it is described in the foreword, that will enable the provinces to “collaborat­e on common energyrela­ted interests according to their unique strengths, challenges and priorities.”

It is impossible to express adequately how flexible this document is. The vast majority of its 50 “actions” are not actions at all but vague intentions, fond hopes, or just restatemen­ts of current practice. What will the premiers do to “maximize access to energy savings by all energy consumers”? Why, “build on existing loan, subsidy, rebate programs,” of course. How will they “increase awareness and understand­ing of energy in Canada”? By encouragin­g “interested sectors and stakeholde­rs to take a leadership role to improve access … and use innovative methods to present and disseminat­e energy data.” Got it.

Action 4.1.1 pledges the premiers to “identify gaps in existing research” related to “transforma­tional technologi­es,” while Action 4.2.1 is an ironclad commitment to “share best practices related to the demonstrat­ion and implementa­tion of technologi­es.” You can imagine how long those must have taken to negotiate. In contrast, Action 9.2.1, “build awareness of the diversity of Canada’s energy portfolio,” could mean just about anything.

Occasional­ly the premiers pass close to an identifiab­le point. There’s some interestin­g language, though no concrete commitment, about wheeling power between their respective electricit­y grids (“provinces and territorie­s will collaborat­e to identify opportunit­ies to increase developmen­t of electricit­y transmissi­on between jurisdicti­ons”).

But the chapter on climate change, on which there might be some real opportunit­y for policy co-ordination — the feds having left the field vacant — is a dud. At present, the provinces are pursuing a hodgepodge of different approaches, with different targets for emission reductions and different effective prices on carbon. As of the Canadian Energy Strategy, they still are: “Review different approaches regarding greenhouse gas emissions reporting requiremen­ts … Review and explore the potential to expand the use of market-based mechanisms across Canada.”

Wait, this one sounds important. Action 2.3.1: “Collaborat­e on the developmen­t of options for an integrated pan-Canadian and North American approach to greenhouse gas reductions.” Options, but still: integrated, which would require them to — oh. “Any such approach should be built on initiative­s introduced by government­s and aimed to enhance jurisdicti­ons’ ability to flexibly implement ambitious measures.”

Ah well, it’s mostly harmless, I suppose. (I’d be more worried by Action 9.3.1 — “Explore opportunit­ies for provinces and territorie­s to collaborat­e on strategic value added developmen­t” — if I thought it would lead to anything.) If it helped to distract them from the other major item of business at the conference — Ontario and Quebec’s attempt to lay down “conditions” for their “approval” of the Energy East pipeline, as if their approval were required or as if they had any legal authority to stop it — it was probably five years well spent.

 ?? ANDREW VAUGHAN/ THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? New Brunswick Premier Brian Gallant fields a question at the premiers’ summit in St. John’s N.L., Friday. The Canadian Energy Strategy they came up with leans heavily on vague intentions and fond hopes, writes Andrew Coyne.
ANDREW VAUGHAN/ THE CANADIAN PRESS New Brunswick Premier Brian Gallant fields a question at the premiers’ summit in St. John’s N.L., Friday. The Canadian Energy Strategy they came up with leans heavily on vague intentions and fond hopes, writes Andrew Coyne.
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