Calgary Herald

NHL must suspend Kane

League needs to send out the right message until rape allegation resolved

- JACK TODD Montreal Gazette jacktodd46@ yahoo. com Twitter: @ JackTodd46

It was an ugly week on the misogyny front. Hatred of women and its consequenc­es, from sexist slurs to domestic violence and rape, were in the headlines everywhere.

We’ll ignore the sexist blogger whose shtick is hate speech, because naming him simply spreads his sexist message. What he does is a hate crime in Canada and he shouldn’t be allowed in this country.

More typical was the casual, creepy ugliness of Nick Kyrgios, whose remark to Stan Wawrinka at the Rogers Cup was both unforgivab­le and sexist. Kyrgios, as Wawrinka pointed out, is an all- around nasty piece of work. The remark he made was apparently just the tip of the iceberg.

There was the arrogant ugliness of Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho, banishing a female team doctor from the sidelines because she had run onto the pitch at the referee’s signal to attend to Eden Hazard, who got a bit too theatrical in feigning while trying to waste time at the end of the match.

By far the most serious incident, of course, was the one that triggered a rape investigat­ion in Hamburg, N. Y., a suburb of Buffalo where Patrick Kane makes his off- season home. That’s where a rape allegedly occurred, after a woman and a friend were invited back to the Chicago Blackhawks player’s home for a late- night party. The accuser says she went into a room, that Kane followed and sexually assaulted her and that, according to unnamed sources, bites were involved in the assault.

Kane has been under investigat­ion for two weeks without charges being filed but the investigat­ion has already had some consequenc­es, including EA Sports banishing the Blackhawks star from its hockey video game cover.

As usual, the sports world has focused, not on the victim, but on the impact the case would have on Kane and the Blackhawks should charges be filed.

Very little fuss has been made over the victim, who if Kane is charged will face the triple whammy: the alleged rape, public hysteria from outraged fans — and probably worst, a phalanx of expensive legal talent lining up to trash her reputation in court.

Kane has already retained highprofil­e lawyer Paul Cambria to represent him.

The only thing that’s come to light so far was that Kane’s driver that night was an off- duty cop who saw nothing inappropri­ate between Kane and the woman in question. But since the driver wasn’t in the house at the time of the alleged attack, that’s irrelevant.

What’s not irrelevant is the way the Blackhawks and the NHL react. There are two possible templates involving NHL stars and domestic violence. In the first, the Colorado Avalanche used the “innocent-until- provenguil­ty” dodge to stand behind Semyon Varlamov.

By the time the Los Angeles Kings’ Slava Voynov was charged, the social landscape had changed radically due to a single punch thrown by former Baltimore Ravens running- back Ray Rice. That punch, thrown to the jaw of Rice’s spouse, Janay Palmer, was captured on video. In grainy black- and- white, we all saw the abuse of a woman by a wealthy, entitled athlete. The wave of public outrage put all sports leagues, the NHL included, under scrutiny.

The NHL took the proper action and suspended Voynov and the Kings were later fined $ 100,000 for allowing the defenceman to attend a practice. Last month, Voynov pleaded no contest to the charges that he choked, kicked and punched his wife and was sentenced to 90 days in jail and three years’ probation.

Investigat­ors in New York State can take their time examining the evidence against Kane, but the NHL and Blackhawks, if they want to stay ahead of the curve, cannot. Given the gravity of the potential charges against him, Kane should already have been suspended until this is resolved.

The principal that a suspect in a criminal case is innocent until proven guilty does not apply here. Under section 18- A. 5 of the CBA, “the league may suspend the player pending the league’s formal review and dispositio­n of the matter where the failure to suspend the player during this period would create a substantia­l risk of material harm to the legitimate interests and/ or reputation of the league.”

That risk, in this instance, is huge. If charges are filed against Kane, the case will dwarf anything that has come before in the NHL. The league and the Blackhawks are lucky all this is going on during cottage season, when the world is paying little attention.

All that’s about to change. At best, Kane’s reputation is permanentl­y tainted, the myth that he had grown up since his previous brushes with the law now in tatters. At worst, the NHL will have the man who may be its biggest American star in the dock facing a rape charge.

At the very least, the NHL needs to send the right signal by suspending Kane until this is resolved, one way or another. The time to act is now.

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Patrick Kane
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