Calgary Herald

“Don’t Let The NDP Ruin Your Retirement Plan”


Calgary, AB– “By the time people figure out what’s happening with their money, it will be too late,” says former financial industry insider, Allan Schieman.

“The economy is diving and the stock market is on the brink - yet the Government and the financial industry are doing nothing to protect people” Schieman says. “These are dangerous times and people should act fast.”

Schieman, a former Certified Financial Planner and investment firm CEO, left the investment business to advocate on behalf of investors. “The system makes bankers rich and regular people poor,” he adds. “But we’re helping regular people retire sooner and safer.”

Schieman believes that banks and investment firms are setting- up average investors to fail. “Between risky investment­s, falling oil and rising taxes, baby- boomers are facing an ugly future unless they take some simple steps right away.”

Secret: FollowASma­rter Plan

Schieman has revolution­ized retirement planning by creating Defend Your Wealth to educate people on how to retire safely and get more from their retirement nest- egg.

During his free educationa­l workshops, Schieman shows investors how to earn higher returns without taking more risk. “There are simple tools that increase returns and reduce risk - but few investors know about them.”

“We don’t sell investment­s. Financial advice should never be connected to the sale of financial products” he says. “Financial freedom comes from smart planning, not from buying financial products.”

Generate Greater Cash Flow

Schieman’s organizati­on helps eliminate one of the greatest fears baby- boomers have: not having enough money to retire comfortabl­y. Defend Your Wealth advocates for simple strategies that guarantee boomers will never run out of money during retirement.

“This isn’t rocket science. At our workshops we reveal an easy way to increase your monthly cash- flow by up to $ 8,175 - without getting a second job… retired people LOVE this,” he explains.

Pay Much LessTax!

One of the simple ideas revealed during Schieman’s workshop is how to legally earn $ 52,550 of investment income - without paying a penny in tax. Another strategy reveals how to withdraw money from your RRSP or RRIF with half the normal taxes.

Keep 100% Of Your Gains

Schieman explains how mutual fund investors are unknowingl­y losing as much as 60% of their gains to fees. “It’s not fair, you take all the risk, yet they take your profits. Investors are being abused.” He’s not alone in this argument. The

Retirement Gamble, a PBS documentar­y, explores how under- performing investment­s and biased advice is ruining the retirement­s of many baby- boomers. This is a problem Schieman has simple solutions for.

A typical investor can add tens of thousands to their bottom line by utilizing lower- cost, better- performing investment­s instead. “That’s just one of the benefits you get by following a smarter plan,” Schieman laughs. “Another benefit is the peace of mind that comes along with it.”

Let’s ImproveYou­r Financial Life

More than 11,000 people have attended Schieman’s free workshops so far. “We give away the secrets that improve your life,” he says. “The best investment you can make is in your own financial education.”

Schieman is hosting a FREE workshop in Calgary to share these valuable and lifechangi­ng secrets - do NOTmiss it! You will discover how to:

• Avoid the # 1 Biggest Investing Mistake

baby- boomers make • Lock- In Gains Before The Next Crash • The One Investment that Guarantees You Never Ever Run Out ofMoney • CutTaxes In Half - On RRSP& RRIF


• Double your returns without doubling your risk… and much more! Event Details:

Wednesday, Sept 30th ( 7- 9 pm)

Clarion Conference Centre ( Tickets to the workshop are $ 63, but you may

attend FREE by pre- registerin­g now!) Seating is limited a SELL OUT is expected.

Register now for this powerful event! How To Pre- Register:

go to: www. SmarterFin­ancialPlan. com

or call: ( 403) 288- 6900 ( 24 hours)

PLUS: Get the FREE Special Report: “11 Costly Mistakes Every Investor MUSTAvoid”

just for registerin­g. - So Register Now!

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