Calgary Herald


A few years back, the Snuggie very nearly destroyed the poncho’s already dubious reputation as a chic fall outerwear option. Indeed, despite announceme­nts by fashion bosses every few years that “capes are the new jackets,” the blanket with arms has never

- by Jacquie Moore


There are two things that can go wrong when adding a poncho to your wardrobe: ordering one off the TV and ( unless you live in the Peruvian Andes or are en route to Coachella) opting for a bright, busy weave. Rather, a loose knit number in muted tones offers an elegant casual look and pairs with jeans and short or pencil skirts. ( A long skirt with a poncho is edging into overly comfy Snuggie territory). If you’re put off by the level of panache it takes to pull off a less structured wrap- style, this ( wool- polyester) one from The Gap offers a stylish first step. It’s swishy and warm, and you’ll avoid feeling like you’re doing a “thing”— that is, until everyone else is doing the same thing. Then, trade up to a more sophistica­ted wool version ( for the record, we are not suggesting you need to spend $ 1,700, see right). Striped poncho,

The Gap, $ 89.95.


Everybody has one. What? You don’t?! Uh, that’s cool, I guess. But wasn’t it embarrassi­ng sitting in the front row beside Alexa Chung at Paris Fashion Week in just, like, a jacket? Nonetheles­s, you should know that Burberry’s check wool and cashmere blanket poncho is the outerwear must- have of the year. ( If only so that you can roll your eyes at the dozens of online street- style photos of every fashionist­a who has jumped on the bandwagon.) Certainly, it’s an enviable piece of clothing. Inspired by equestrian blankets and crafted in Scotland, this poncho will last a lifetime and be coveted by your grandchild­en— at least the ones who share your initials. Burberry will stitch on your monogram in large type for an additional US$ 330.

US$ 1,750, burberry. com.


Nowhere in a mostly unhelpful online list of Dos and Don’ts When Buying a Men’s Poncho (“don’t wear one when it’s hot outside!”) does it mention that, unless you’re hillside potato farming or doing an ironic Baja- grunge- hippie thing for a ’ 90s- themed party, a poncho may not be the most attractive option. That’s not to say, however, that fashion- forward men should never wear ponchos. For proof of mancho success, check out Clint Eastwood in Sergio Leone’s Fistful of Dollars. ( The look really comes together when one mutters, “Get three coffins ready.”) Anyway, at the risk of giving too many props to Burberry, the fashion house has taken the lead in men’s capes as well. Still, there’s something disappoint­ingly sloppy and bedspread- ish about the current collection. Consider getting your fill by going as The Man With No Name for Halloween.


There’s nothing like autumn camping and those last few special moments under the stars before winter settles in. On the other hand, if the forecast is so miserable that you’re pre- planning to wear your tarp as a coat, it might be time to shut it down for the season. The origins of this sexy little number from MEC no doubt stem from some family’s disastrous late- season camping trip, during which Dad finally lost it with everybody’s whining and stormed off with a flaccid Coleman Dome tent wrapped around him like a security blankie. Turns out, it wasn’t a bad idea. Marketed to ultralight backpacker­s who geek out over dual- purpose items, Integral Designs Silponcho Tarp is both shelter and trendy fall outwear that snaps at the waist and thighs. Or, you could just stay home.

$ 79, mec. ca.

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