Calgary Herald

NDP gets stuck in sand trap and must defend golf course costs

Minister takes her best chip shot at legitimizi­ng what NDP once opposed

- Graham Thomson is an Edmonton Journal columnist. GRAHAM THOMSON

When Environmen­t and Parks Minister Shannon Phillips held a news conference to talk about golf, she was smiling ... through gritted teeth.

There is no way Phillips took any pleasure in announcing Alberta’s new NDP government will spend up to $ 8.8 million on rebuilding the notorious floodravag­ed Kananaskis Country Golf Course.

“Let me be clear, we do not believe government should be in the golf course business,” said Phillips, right before she acknowledg­ed her government is in the golf course business.

It’s in the golf business, she said, because the previous PC government got itself — and its political successor — locked into an airtight contract that stipulates the golf course be rebuilt, with taxpayers’ money, after 2013’ s disastrous flood.

Phillips said the only two options available were to rip up the contract and face penalties possibly in the neighbourh­ood of $ 30 million — or spend in the neighbourh­ood of $ 9 million and hope the golf course makes enough of a profit over the next 11 years ( the length of its contract) to recoup the investment.

“I’ve been asked why didn’t we rip up this contract,” Phillips said on Wednesday. “Well, the reason for that is that our approach is not government by tantrum.”

This announceme­nt is especially galling for the NDP, which threw more than a few tantrums over the years when talking about the Kananaskis course. It railed against the PC government investing in the golf course in the first place, and then, just six months ago, attacked the government for committing millions of dollars to fix up the flood damage while cutting funding for the child advocate’s office.

“When children who are potentiall­y in danger are told that the cupboard is bare, then I think that the government should be ashamed of itself because it clearly has the wrong priorities,” Brian Mason said in March when he was a member of the opposition.

Now, one of the government’s priorities is trying to, in the words of Phillips, “make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.”

She can’t. All she can do is try to argue that spending $ 9 million on a sow’s ear is better than spending $ 30 million on a sow’s ear.

Phillips is putting the blame on the old PC government­s, all the way back to the early 1980s, when friends of the government won the contract to run the Crownland course even though they weren’t the lowest bidder. The contract was sweetened in 1999 by then- premier Ralph Klein. Under the deal, the course operator was supposed to get business interrupti­on insurance, but couldn’t because the course was located on a flood plain.

When the floods came — destroying all but four of the holes — the contract stipulated the government compensate the operator for all losses above a $ 100,000 deductible.

If that wasn’t bad enough, an audit by Deloitte LLP indicates that for five years before the 2013 flood, the course operator, Kan- Alta Golf Management, paid about $ 700,000 a year in rent, upkeep and maintenanc­e while making annual profits of $ 2.5 million.

And now, Phillips is having to swallow a bitter pill, knowing the course operator will be back in business in 2017 with more help from taxpayers.

Helping make this bitter pill a little easier to swallow for Phillips and, she hopes, for the taxpayer, was her added announceme­nt that “a portion” of revenues will help upgrade the William Watson Lodge, a spot in the mountains for disabled Albertans to enjoy the outdoors.

No word on how much money the lodge will get, or when. But it won’t be as much as the Kananaskis Country Golf Course is about to get.

When Phillips says the government is in the golf course business, she means we as taxpayers are in the golf course business. That’s nothing to smile about.

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