Calgary Herald



Dr. Paul Fedak literally holds people’s lives in his hands.

The cardiac surgeon at Calgary’s Foothills Medical Centre has participat­ed in hundreds of heart surgeries throughout his career, but says he never gets tired of looking at hearts. He recently told the Herald about why he loves cardiac surgery and what it feels like to hold a human heart.

“You start out taking a needle and a stitch and putting a stitch through the skin, which is exciting in its own way because it’s the first time you’re doing surgery on a patient. And then you slowly work your way up to doing more complicate­d parts of it. It really takes about 10 years to get from putting your first stitch in just the skin to doing a full cardiac surgery operation, so it’s a slow process.

“So it doesn’t hit you all at once, but there are certain moments in your training when you sort of say, ‘ Wow, look what I’m doing.’ The first time you really do an operation on the heart ... is pretty exciting.

“I never really get tired of it, I’m always excited to do surgery and when you open someone’s chest and you do look at their beating heart, it’s really quite striking.

“Even just the colours inside the chest are quite striking. Everybody looks different from the outside, but the heart generally looks pretty similar in most patients. It’s pretty fun to see it beat and the heart really reveals a lot when you look at it.

“A healthy heart looks a certain way and it’s really strong and it beats at a certain rate, but a sick heart looks very different. It can look discoloure­d, it can look congested, it can look enlarged and it can look weak. And you can sometimes see that change even throughout an operation, so we can read a lot just by looking at the heart and seeing what it’s doing.

“Then, you know, actually feeling it and holding it — we do have to do that as part of our surgery — is quite striking. It’s such a strong organ, it’s all muscle pretty much, so when you feel it it’s just this big, pulsating, beating muscle, and it’s super strong and it’s quite remarkable.

“We talk about people having heart — this sort of passion or never- give- up type attitude — well, that’s kind of what people’s hearts are like ... at some point they have to come off the heartlung machine and they have to work on their own. And, at some point, you know you’ve done what you can and it’s up to that heart to keep going and keep pumping and keep the patient going. It’s quite remarkable to watch that happen, because I think patients will give up before their heart will.”

 ?? COLLEEN DE NEVE/ CALGARY HERALD ?? Dr. Paul Fedak is a cardiac surgeon at the Foothills Medical centre.
COLLEEN DE NEVE/ CALGARY HERALD Dr. Paul Fedak is a cardiac surgeon at the Foothills Medical centre.

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