Calgary Herald


Notley’s government in a political jam as Albertans continue to lose faith

- Don Braid’s column appears regularly in the Herald dbraid@ calgaryher­ald. com DON BRAID

We’re heading for a budget brawl in Alberta. On Oct 27, the NDP will release a plan many Albertans are sure to hate.

A new Mainstreet/ Postmedia poll on Monday said 47 per cent of Albertans want cuts to programs and the public service to deal with a deficit that could hit $ 6.5 billion.

And yet, the NDP insists that laying off workers will only expand the jobless rolls and deepen the crisis.

Premier Rachel Notley’s government is in a political jam, plagued by low oil prices and mired five percentage points behind the Wildrose in the poll.

The federal NDP is running a distant third in Alberta, well behind the Conservati­ves and Liberals.

We can forget about the Notley bounce. Outside Edmonton, it no longer exists.

And the budget is likely to make things worse.

Wildrose predicts higher taxes, soaring deficits and profligate spending, all presided over by a protected civil service.

But the reality, although not pretty at all, is unlikely to be so dramatic.

First, the civil service isn’t in for any paid and pensioned picnic. When the New Democrats talk about “stabilizin­g” the public workforce, they mean there will be no general layoffs.

But they also mean staffing won’t grow for years to come, as the government tries to work its way to a balanced budget on the principle that zero growth means real- world shrinkage.

This resembles what expremier Jim Prentice was trying to do, minus his proposed cuts. In various ways, the Progressiv­e Conservati­ves attempted to control government costs and staffing for a decade.

Senior New Democrats say the difference is they can actually do it.

But this won’t win the NDP any credit for several years. It’s exactly the kind of political problem that usually caused the PCs to drop their briefing books and run the other way.

On the jobs front, Finance Minister Joe Ceci conjures the image of unfettered spending when he talks about “supporting entreprene­urs and startups,” as well as “working with growth industries and investing in infrastruc­ture.”

He’s talking about a specific promise Premier Notley made during the election campaign — a new tax credit to create 27,000 jobs by refunding to companies $ 10,000 of each new employee’s pay, up to a maximum salary of $ 50,000.

It may be the most aggressive and direct job creation plan Alberta has ever seen. And it will be in the budget.

But the estimated cost isn’t very high at $ 89 million annually for four years. If that money re- employs 27,000 young people, Ceci could turn out to be a hero.

The polls also show that 49 per cent of Albertans oppose any kind of carbon levy to help Alberta deal with climate change. The decision on this will come after the budget, when the government’s climate change panel presents its report later this year.

But sources say the NDP won’t consider some kind of general levy on Albertans, because that would be a regressive tax.

Nor do they see carbon levies as a revenue generator because they wouldn’t be sustainabl­e. When the whole idea is to reduce carbon, success inevitably reduces revenue too.

As for a national cap- and- trade program, the NDP has exactly the same worry that the PCs always voiced — Alberta’s high greenhouse gas emitters would end up buying permits from the low emitters of Ontario and Quebec.

As Notley suggested last week, it would amount to a wealth transfer, a thought that seems to annoy her as much as it did the PCs’ final conga line of premiers.

What could emerge is a regulatory solution rather than a formal levy; tougher emission targets in many sectors of the economy, with penalties to pay for missing them.

The only major part of the NDP plan that seems modestly popular is stimulus spending on infrastruc­ture, which is supported by 40 per cent of respondent­s, with 34 per cent opposed.

The New Democrats seem to feel that they can sacrifice popularity now because they have another three years to win it back.

They’re likely to need every minute.

It’s exactly the kind of political problem that usually caused the PCs to drop their briefing books and run the other way.

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