Calgary Herald

TransCanad­a selling power plant bought six weeks ago


Six weeks after TransCanad­a Corp. closed a deal to buy a power plant in Pennsylvan­ia, it has put it back up for sale.

The 704-megawatt Ironwood natural gas-fired power complex TransCanad­a bought for $657 million from Talen Energy Corp. is back on the block as the company looks for ways to finance another acquisitio­n worth 15 times more.

It’s among a whole set of U.S. Northeast power assets the Calgary-based company has put up for sale to help pay for its US$13billion purchase of Columbia Pipeline Group Inc. It will also divest a stake in its Mexico gas business.

“This will remove the majority of merchant power from our portfolio,” Don Marchand, TransCanad­a’s chief financial officer, said Thursday on a conference call to discuss the Columbia acquisitio­n, referring to plants that rely on wholesale electricit­y markets for their profits.

In addition to Ironwood, TransCanad­a plans to sell its Ravenswood gas- and oil-fired generation plant in New York, hydroelect­ric power assets in New England, the Kibby wind power operation in Maine and Ocean State Power gas generation facilities in Rhode Island, Marchand said.

TransCanad­a bought Ravenswood in 2008 for $2.9 billion.

The assets are coming available as the market for power deals is heating up, said Jeff Bodington, president of boutique investment banking firm Bodington & Co., which focuses exclusivel­y on the North American power market.

Private equity buyers may be more willing to see an upside in the depressed merchant market than publicly traded power companies whose investors are afraid of taking on generators selling into wholesale markets, he said.

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