Calgary Herald

Big Brother Canada evictee saw it coming

Christine Kelsey says the writing was on the wall that her time was up


This week’s Big Brother Canada seems to have finally given the house guests the kick-start they’ve needed to start playing the game, whether that means making big moves too soon or scrambling to find an alliance — whether you buy what they’re selling or not.

As the Head of Household for the second time this season, the house assumed Loveita Adams would put Jared Kesler and Kelsey Faith up for eviction. The pair had targeted her the previous week and quickly became the villains of the game, with a showmance to boot.

But choosing to get a little more strategic — for better or worse — Adams opted to cut a deal with Kesler, who happily agreed to keep her safe until jury in exchange for his and Faith’s safety. But that meant sacrificin­g a couple of natural born floaters: Cassandra Shahinfar and Christine Kelsey.

In doing so, Adams rejected her former alliance — Shahinfar, Maddy Pavle and apparently Dallas Cormier. They got heated enough with her choice not to make a big move by winning the Power of Veto and spending the week planning to take Kelsey off the block in hopes that Adams would throw up a bigger target, one that might look a little like Kesler, Faith or third wheeler Raul Manriquez.

But at the last minute, as things often seem to go down in this season, Cormier changed his mind, leaving the votes the same, much to the relief of Adams, who is now effectivel­y floating between two major alliances that will go head to head next week.

In a 6-5 vote, Kelsey was sent home, and claimed she saw every bit of it coming.

Q Why do you think it came down to you for eviction and not Cassandra?

Kelsey Everyone had their reasons, and they didn’t know where I was going in the game and if I was going to get ugly — which I was. She’s an easier player to follow, and so an easier target. She’s better for them.

Q The votes were quite split. Was it a surprise as to who voted which way?

A No, not at all. When you’re in that house, you can’t not know. It all becomes clear pretty quick.

Q Which players currently look the strongest and weakest to you?

A It’s anybody’s game right now. Tim is very strong, though, and I think he likes to seem like he’s playing the house, but he knows what he’s doing. There is no one I would say is the weakest, because everybody is playing the game right now. Everyone is in it.

National Post

 ??  ?? Christine Kelsey
Christine Kelsey

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