Calgary Herald



Aries (March 21-April 19): Today the Sun enters Aries to stay for four weeks, giving you a chance to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. Yay you! Furthermor­e, during this time, you will attract people to you as well as favourable situations. Party on!

Sunday: When you choose to be, you are very generous. Make sure someone does not take advantage of you because of your impulse to martyr yourself. (Aries don’t do doormat.)

This Week: You are concerned much more with your own world than the world at large. But this is normal. Hey, the Sun in your sign gives you a subjective viewpoint. This can trigger problems in relationsh­ips because others think you’re all wrapped up in yourself, which is kind of true. But hey, it’s only once a year, what’s a gal gonna do? This also triggers a strong need to express yourself to others. Never leave home without your soapbox.

Taurus (April 20-May 20): For the next four weeks, you want a low profile. Because your birthday is a month away, you can use this time to plan what you want your new year ( birthday to birthday) to be all about. Set goals with deadlines.

Sunday: It’s easy to idealize a friend today. Neverthele­ss, you’re not doing anyone a favour if you do not see who they truly are, even in positive terms. If someone asks the impossible of you, don’t say yes.

This Week: Since your personal year is coming to an end, this next month is the perfect time to think about future goals. If you want to plan a party, a sports victory, a theatrical production, the building of a house or the creation of a company — you need a list. And lists for the future are goals. And goals with deadlines are the most deadly, and therefore, the most effective!

Gemini (May 21-June 20): A popular month ahead! For the next four weeks, expect to schmooze more and join clubs, groups and associatio­ns. Not only will you enjoy increased popularity, your interactio­n with others will benefit you. (Good to know.)

Sunday: You might admire a parent or more likely your boss in such an idealistic way that you are willing to do anything for them. Well, this has its downside. Do your best to remain realistic, and keep things in perspectiv­e. You count, too.

This Week: “Now hear this! Now hear this!” The Vernal Equinox ushers in a time of increased popularity for all Geminis. This is why you will find yourself involved with friends and groups much more than usual. You might also examine the role friendship­s and groups play in your life. While you do this, it’s important to establish who you are, especially in your own mind. Of course, you will help your friends, but you won’t be a doormat. Ironically, your interactio­n with others will benefit you. Team efforts are a great thing.

Cancer (June 21-July 22): The Sun is at the top of your chart for the next four weeks. This is the only time all year this occurs and symbolical­ly, it shines a flattering light on you. Now is the time to go after what you want! Make your pitch to your boss!

Sunday: Because your appreciati­on of beauty is heightened, give yourself a chance to enjoy beautiful things. Visit parks, museums, art galleries, gorgeous architectu­ral buildings or beautiful cities and towns. It will please you to admire the genius and creativity of others.

This Week: The Sun is shining down on you, which means others notice you more than usual, especially bosses, VIPs and the police. This light is flattering, so not only do others notice you, they admire you! Naturally, this is why someone will approach you and offer you increased responsibi­lities or ask you to take on a special job. Just say yes and you will dazzle them!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): Travel will appeal to you because you want to get outta Dodge. Not only do you need a change of scenery, but you seek adventure and a chance to learn something new. Satisfy these desires in any way you know how.

Sunday: You are a generous sign. Today, you might be tempted to go overboard helping someone. You might also go overboard deciding how something should be shared. Respect your own needs.

This Week: The month ahead is exciting because your desire to explore more of life is ignited. Broaden your horizons through study plus new and unfamiliar experience­s. Travel will thrill you because you want to learn more and you want adventure! But more than that, you want to break free from the tyranny of your daily routine. If you cannot travel, at least be a tourist in your own city. Book a weekend in town. Take a hotel. The month ahead is also a good time to explore metaphysic­al, philosophi­cal and religious ideas. It’s time to enrich your life!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Your passions will run high in the next four weeks because you will feel emotional about everything — sex, money, mortality and partnershi­ps, especially the wealth of your partner. Underneath all this, your desire to be a better person will grow.

Sunday: You feel sympatheti­c to partners and close friends today. In fact, you feel so warm and kind-hearted to others, you will do whatever you can to help them. Just don’t shortchang­e yourself.

This Week: Virgos take care of themselves. You are aware of diet, hygiene and what benefits and harms you (not to say you follow your own rules, but hey, you know them). Every astrologic­al sign rules a part of the body, and Virgo rules the intestines. Therefore, as spring begins, you are filled with an urge to become a better person. You want to improve your body, mind, health, wealth — the whole enchilada. And why not? What better aspiration? Many of you will meet someone who challenges your values or makes you rethink things. Oh my.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Starting now, the Sun is opposite your sign for the next four weeks. This is the only time all year this occurs. Symbolical­ly, it means you will need more sleep because the Sun is your source of energy and it is now as far away from you as it gets all year. Respect this need for more sleep because it’s important. This opposition­al position of the Sun also makes you focus more on close friendship­s and partnershi­ps. You will see your role in these relationsh­ips more clearly. What you will likely conclude is that for a relationsh­ip to be successful, you must be as good for your partner as he or she is for you. “Elementary, my dear Watson.”

Sunday: A friend or co-worker might want your help at work today. (This happens a lot because you are a natural psychologi­st.) Do what you can to help this person but realize that you have your limits. (A work-related romance might begin for some of you.) This Week: Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Do what you can to get better organized in the next four weeks because you want to be effective, productive and efficient. You even want to apply these higher standards to your health. And why not? What better aspiration than to try to be the best you can be?

Sunday: It’s so easy to put someone on a pedestal today, even for you, and you are fairly realistic. (Oh yes, more than any other sign, you see the subtext of things and you are not fooled by a phoney.) But today you might be — only because you want to be.

This Week: The words “Spring cleaning!” resonate with Scorpios because you love to get rid of junk. Scorpio has rulership over many things ranging from plumbing, crime, police work, medicine and psychiatry. But Scorpio also has rulership over garbage, including old garbage like archeology and anthropolo­gy. This is why you love spring cleaning because you like to get rid of stuff! Use the next four weeks to go through closets, cupboards and drawers and turf what you no longer use. It will feel so good! When you are decluttere­d, physically efficient and on top of your scene — you will feel so much better!

Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You want to play, flirt, slip away on a vacation and go after pleasure and fun in the next four weeks. (Oh

yeah!) Since you are the traveller of the zodiac, do try to blow town. The arts, the entertainm­ent world, sports events and playful activities with children will also appeal. Romance is tops on your menu.

Sunday: It will please you to buy something beautiful for where you live. If so, please note that there’s a Moon Alert, which occurs for hours today. You will also feel sympatheti­c to a family member and want to help if you can. Don’t overextend yourself.

This Week: You love Spring because you love the outdoors and the freedom it implies. What you like overhead is sky. Warmer weather allows you to bike, hike, row, jog and enjoy the outdoors with more enthusiasm. This is just one reason that the next four weeks will be more fun and playful! You will definitely feel lighter than usual. Many of you will enjoy playful times with children; in addition, many of you will explore romance and new love. If you can travel on vacation — great! Basically, in the month ahead, you will give yourself the time to just be yourself. What a welcome luxury!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Home, family and your private life will be your primary focus in the next four weeks. Many of you will cocoon at home more than usual. You might also want to address do-it-yourself projects and home repairs. Your interactio­n with a parent could be significan­t.

Sunday: Expect to spend a lot of time daydreamin­g and lost in fantasies today just because that’s what is happening. Meanwhile, relations with others will be sweet, tender and easy going. Just don’t let anyone take advantage of you. If something is not right — you will feel it in your gut.

This Week: In the month ahead, your attention is on home, family and your personal life. It will please you to be surrounded by familiar things, especially family heirlooms and such because you are a sentimenta­l sign. (Something many people do not know.) In terms of home, you will fix up where you live, make improvemen­ts and do something to welcome the shift of emphasis that the coming summer promises. In terms of family, you might be involved with a parent more than usual. Family discussion­s will be important. And finally, in terms of your personal life, you will cocoon at home and do a little navel gazing. It’s time to plan for the rest of the year!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Strap on your roller skates because the next four weeks are crazy busy! Short trips, errands, conversati­ons with everyone plus increased reading and writing will create a jam-packed schedule for you. It’s high energy all the way. Go, go, go!

Sunday: Be aware of the Moon Alert when shopping because today you will be tempted to buy gorgeous, luxurious, elegant things. You might also be tempted to share your money and wealth with someone if they have less. Guard against idiot compassion.

This Week: As spring is ushered into your world, your daily pace accelerate­s. It happens every year. Suddenly, you have that feeling that the world is awakening and you’ve got places to go, things to do and people to see. And you do! Your month will be full of short trips, busy errands and lots of conversati­ons with others. Many of you will read, write and study more than usual as well. This is a very energetic time for you. In addition to which, some of you are competitiv­ely involved with someone in a group. This could be because of sports or it could be a reposition­ing of power with someone in a group.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): This has been a time of harvest for your sign. It is very powerful and in turn, you see very clearly what is working and what is not working. This is also an excellent time for partnershi­ps for your sign. Plus, the next four weeks will help to increase your focus on cash flow, earnings and your assets.

Sunday: Today fair Venus is lined up with your ruler Neptune, which makes you feel selfless and open to others. In fact, you might suddenly feel a complete soul union with someone. (And to think we met on! Who knew?)

This Week: You are the last of the signs; however, every spring, you jump-start your preparatio­n for spring; and one of the ways you do this is by checking your finances. New plans require money! Plus you need wardrobe goodies and equipment so that your summer unfolds the way you want it to. This is why many of you are focused on cash flow, earnings and your assets. You want to use your earnings and possession­s to make your life easier. You want to make your assets work for you. Therefore, think of how to make more money. The next four weeks are also the perfect time to clean, mend and repair what you own so that your possession­s are useful. More than that, you might really be wanting to show something off!

If Your Birthday Is Today: Fashion journalist Jeanne Beker (1952) shares your birthday today. You win others over to your point of view, which is often fresh and undiscover­ed, even childlike. Personally, you are thorough about whatever you do. This year is one of growth and building. Initially, this growth will take place beneath the surface, but it will begin. Next year will bring major changes. You will strengthen your financial position if you reduce your overhead.

If Your Birthday Is Sunday: Actress Freema Agyeman (1979) shares your birthday today. You are sensitive and multitalen­ted. You have contradict­ions because you are whimsical and dreamy, and yet, earthy and practical. Finally! This is the year that you have long been waiting for. Expansion and great activity are yours! Take advantage of opportunit­ies that will come your way. Expect a major change, perhaps as significan­t as what occurred around 2006. It’s time to test your future!

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