Calgary Herald

Comic book heroes still drive Stan Lee

Comic icon talks superheroe­s, and the ultimate superpower


Stan Lee will appear at the Calgary Expo on Sunday at 2:45 p.m. at the Stampede Corral. Visit Calgaryexp­ Well this is it. Or is it?

Comic-book guru and chronic movie cameo-maker Stan Lee has claimed his latest round of visits to Canadian fan expos, including Calgary this weekend, will be his last in this country.

Given that he is 93, the desire to slow down certainly isn’t unreasonab­le.

But it does seem to run counter to Lee’s reputation as an enthusiast­ic, and very busy, champion of all-things Marvel Comics.

The man who created SpiderMan, Iron Man, The Fantastic Four, the Avengers, Thor and the X-Men is working on a new TV project, the British series Lucky Man, and promises there will soon be a new pack of superheroe­s springing from his imaginatio­n. He took some time to chat with the Calgary Herald.

Q You recently said that this year will probably be your last visiting Canadian fan expos. Are you going to be cutting back on

appearance­s in general?

A Well, that’s what they say. It’s hard for me to do that. Because every time somebody invites me, I have a hard time saying no. So I try to cut back but I haven’t been able to do it yet.

Q You said recently that your cameo in Deadpool was one of your favourites. There has been a lot of talk about how that film represents a new approach to superhero movies. (R-rated, breaking the fourth wall) Do you agree? Is it a departure?

A It is a new type of story and I think it’s a good one. I wish I had made it up. Q Why was it your favourite cameo of all you’ve done?

A Well, because there I was in a topless bar and I was a recordspin­ner, a DJ. It was kind of fun. Although, I wasn’t actually in a topless bar, I was in a studio by myself.

Q Congratula­tions on the success of Lucky Man. Do you see yourself creating more television projects?

A I love Lucky Man and it seems to be doing very well. They renewed it and I think it’s going to come over ... to the States. That’s my first television show I’ve created, so I’m pretty excited about it.

Q How did you come up with the idea for Harry Clayton (the homicide detective, played by James Nesbitt, who finds

a magical charm that allows him to control luck)? A People are always asking me ‘What do you think is the greatest super power of them all?’ And I always tell them, ‘Well, if a guy can have it, it would be luck. Because if you have good luck, nothing can hurt you. When a guy shoots a bullet at you, he misses. You’ve got everything.’ So that started the idea. Then I met these really brilliant guys in London and they did all the hard work and I’m taking the credit for it.

Q You were recently at the premiere of Captain America: Civil War. What’s it like for you to see that character evolve given that was one of the first characters you worked on back in 1941?

A Captain America, I believe, was the first character I worked on. He was created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby and I was thrilled because two of Joe Simon’s grandsons where at the openings, on the red carpet. So I got a chance to meet them and talk to them. I think the movie is going to do very well. It’s a good movie, but they are all good movies.

Q The first trailer was recently released for Doctor Strange and it’s creating a lot of buzz ... A I haven’t seen it yet. Is it a good trailer? Q It’s very cool. A I’m still waiting to see it. One of my favourite characters. Q What is it like when you first hear about or see an actor, in this case Benedict Cumberbatc­h, playing a character you created?

A I’m always excited about it and I marvel at the fact that they always pick the right actor to play the role. I’m in favour of just about every bit of casting that they’ve done.

Q I was going to ask you about that. Of all the actors who have played characters you’ve created, do you have a favourite interpreta­tion?

A There hasn’t been one who has disappoint­ed me, they’ve all been good. Well, we have a top staff at Marvel and they take everything so seriously and work so hard and you see the results. The movies are just so fantastic.

Q It did seem to take a long time for superhero movies to get to this point, where so many are successful. What was the turning point? Was it a case of technology and special effects catching up with what was needed?

A The technology certainly had a lot to do with, the fact you can now do the sort of special effects that would have been impossible a couple of decades ago. That’s a big part of it. And also, people are now taking these movies seriously. So we get the top writers, the top directors, the top photograph­ers — everybody. Each movie is treated the way any other movie would be treated in Hollywood that is a $200-million movie.

Q Are there characters you have created you would like to see be the basis of a film that haven’t been yet?

A Well, no, because they are all coming out. Doctor Strange and the Black Panther were two that I’ve been wanted to become films. I remember I did another group called the Inhumans, but I think they are working on them too. I think it will be a movie.

Q Do you see more crossovers, as we see with Captain America: Civil War? Is that the future of blockbuste­rs?

A The more of our characters you can get in one film, the more it seems to excite the fans. And it excites me. I love seeing Iron Man, Captain America and Hawkeye in one movie. I get a kick out of it, just the same as when I did the comic books. I started The Avengers and it was fun having all the characters in the same story. They cold play off against each other and that’s what happens in the movies.

Q The last time you were at the Calgary Expo, you told the audience that you considered yourself a commercial writer and you only worked on superheroe­s when you were paid to do so. Does that mean ideas for new superheroe­s aren’t popping in your head at unexpected times?

A I always get ideas about creating superheroe­s. You can’t walk down the street without getting a million ideas. But, luckily for the public, I don’t inflict all of those ideas on them. I wait until what I have is a good one, or what I think might be a good one. Q Any upcoming projects you can talk about? A I work with POW! Entertainm­ent and we have a character named The Annihilato­r, which will be out in about a year. I’m giving you advance notice. I think you’ll love it. It’s like nothing else. And we have three or four others, but I’m not allowed to mention them yet.

Q Who is the Annihilato­r?

A Well, he is a Chinese character who comes to America. He has a special power and he better have it because he has to fight a villain who seems even more powerful than he is, which of course is what makes any of these stories interestin­g. You wonder how this hero could possibly win when the villain seems to have all the advantage. That’s all I can tell you, or they’d shoot me.

 ?? JORDAN STRAUSS/ INVISION/AP ?? Stan Lee, 93, is busy working on a new British TV series and coming up with a fresh slew of superheroe­s.
JORDAN STRAUSS/ INVISION/AP Stan Lee, 93, is busy working on a new British TV series and coming up with a fresh slew of superheroe­s.
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