Calgary Herald

Comedian Tom Arnold on life, death, Prince and fatherhood


Tom Arnold appears at the Laugh Shop at Hotel Blackfoot on Friday and Saturday. Visit the laughshopc­ Season 10 of Trailer Park Boys is now streaming on Netflix. Tom Arnold is in the middle of discussing how comedians need to have a thick skin on social media when he suddenly veers to another topic. It’s not an unusual occurrence during a conversati­on with the actor and comedian, who has an endearingl­y manic energy on the phone.

But at the time of his interview with the Herald, news that musician Prince had been found dead in his Paisley Park estate in Minnesota was only a few hours old. The death of a celebrity of that magnitude has a long reach, of course. But Arnold, while remaining jovial on the line from his Hollywood home, is taking it hard.

“It threw me for a loop this morning,” he says.

There are personal reasons for this. While he is an Iowa native, Arnold began his career as a standup comedian in Prince’s hometown of Minneapoli­s. He worked and performed at the music club First Avenue and was heavily immersed in the scene by the time parts of 1984’s Purple Rain were shot there. The two entertaine­rs met and got to know each other.

In 1997, Prince invited Arnold on stage to sing 1999 with him at the Hollywood Bowl. Somehow Arnold managed to forget the eight or so words to the chorus, so Prince “danced around me and mocked me.”

Just a week before this interview, Arnold was interviewe­d for a book being written about First Avenue. He talked at length about Prince. “It’s a sad day,” says Arnold, 57. “When you get to my age, you look around and you say, ‘Who is still doing it? Who is still youthful? Who is older than me who is still just doing it?’ Because when you have little kids you have to be youthful at least until they are in college. That’s a long time. I’ve got a three-year-old and a threemonth-old. It was always Prince is older than me ... Madonna is older than me and Sharon Stone is older than me and they’re all doing it.

“It’s just, you know, life is short,” he adds. “Enjoy it.”

It was just over a year ago when Arnold was last in Calgary performing standup. During an interview with the Herald at the time, he talked about dealing with the sudden death just weeks before of New York Times columnist David Carr, another acquaintan­ce from his wild days in Minneapoli­s.

Later that year, Arnold was among many famous friends who appeared in the film I Am Chris Farley to reminisce about the late comedian. For his fans, it’s perhaps a reminder that Arnold has always had a lot of famous friends. But for him, the deaths of celebritie­s he knows — from Farley to Carr to Prince to Merle Haggard — is a reminder of his mortality.

“There is also that part of me that wants to know what happened exactly,” he says. “So I can call my doctor and, you know, make sure (I’m fine) ... The older I get the more I worry about viruses and things like that. My wife is worried about earthquake­s. I don’t worry about earthquake­s ever. When they happen they happen. She lives her life in a panic about earthquake­s. My biggest worry?”

“I have to live long enough to take care of my family. Now that I have everything I ever wanted, which is a wife and two kids, it occurs to me that I have to work until I’m at least 80 to make sure they are all taken care of.”

Back in the days when Arnold was a drug-and-alcohol-addled, overweight, paparazzi-attracting husband (and then ex-husband) of comedian Roseanne Barr, it’s safe to say not many were predicting longevity.

But he has proven to have a proverbial nine lives in show business, graduating from that early famous-by-associatio­n status to become a surprising­ly effective character actor, TV host, author and celebrity in his own right. Through it all, he has maintained his first love of standup comedy, which he will be bringing to Calgary’s Laugh Shop at Hotel Blackfoot on Friday and Saturday.

Arguably, one of the reasons he has had longevity on the standup stage is because he bases his comedy on honest appraisals of his own life.

That includes not only the universal stuff such as relationsh­ips, fatherhood and health, but the stuff everyone wants to hear about: the fame, the drugs, the recovery, the marriages, the weight loss, the tabloids.

“I made a lot of mistakes in my life and now at the age I’m at I’ve got two little kids and a wife and we’ve been together for a while and things worked out pretty amazingly,” he says. “So you can talk about how bad things were and have fun with that for quite a while if the audience knows that, at the end of it, it turns out OK. The audience is with you, they don’t want to just hear about failures. But, to me, comedy is about the emcee giving you an intro that is fantastic about all the things you’ve done — the 130 movies, the Golden Globe, whatever — and then you spend the next 75 minutes destroying everything good he has said about you and making fun of yourself. That’s really what comedy is.”

This is certainly the approach Arnold takes in the 10th season of the Canadian cult series, The Trailer Park Boys. He plays what he calls a “hyper version” of Tom Arnold for a three-episode arc, arriving at the Sunnyvale Trailer Park alongside Snoop Dogg and comedian Doug Benson. The joke is that while Ricky, Julian and Bubbles are thrilled to party with Snoop Dogg and Benson, they couldn’t care less about Arnold, who is an ecstatic fan of the boys and wants to immerse himself in the Sunnyvale experience at all costs.

It’s a decidedly self-deprecatin­g performanc­e that seems to poke fun at the now outdated notion that Arnold is famous for being famous and not much else. At one point, he is mistaken for Drew Carey.

“If I’m in on it, I’m more than happy to make fun of myself and that version of myself,” he says. “I’m happy to do that on stage. I decided 25 years ago, or more than that probably, that if there are jokes to be made at my expense I want to be making them. Why let, in the old days, Johnny Carson and David Letterman make jokes about me when I can be making them? I enjoy it. I have no problem with something like that.”

 ?? FREDERICK M. BROWN/GETTY IMAGES ?? Tom Arnold and son Jax Copeland Arnold attend Safe Kids Day at Smashbox Studios in Culver City, Calif.
FREDERICK M. BROWN/GETTY IMAGES Tom Arnold and son Jax Copeland Arnold attend Safe Kids Day at Smashbox Studios in Culver City, Calif.

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