Calgary Herald



CAMPBELLTO­N, N. B. •A New Brunswick judge quoted the Fathers of Confederat­ion on Friday to dismiss charges against a New Brunswick man charged with illegally importing 14 cases of beer and three bottles of liquor from a Quebec border town.

In a ruling defence lawyers say has “huge” ramificati­ons, Judge Ronald LeBlanc threw out all charges against Gerard Comeau. In his 88-page decision, the judge cited the words of Canada’s founders, saying they never intended laws that blatantly block the free flow of goods within the country.

“I find that the speeches and orations from the Fathers of Confederat­ion prior to the enactment of the British North America Act, 1867, conclusive­ly point to their desire to implement free trade as opposed to the eliminatio­n of customs duties as between the provinces,” he wrote.

Comeau was one of four people facing charges after a police “sting” operation in 2012.

His lawyer, Mikael Bernard, said the victory will have a big impact, beginning with showing that a traditiona­l New Brunswick practice of bringing in multiple cases of Quebec beer was never illegal.

“Essentiall­y, Judge LeBlanc’s decision confirms that what tens of thousands, potentiall­y hundreds of thousands of New Brunswicke­rs have been doing for the past 40 years is not a crime,” he said in a telephone interview.

Comeau’s defence was supported by the Canadian Constituti­on Foundation, which believes the case will eventually result in a challenge before the Supreme Court of Canada.

The New Brunswick Liquor Control Act prohibits anyone in the province from having more than 12 pints of beer that weren’t purchased through a liquor store in the province.

On Friday, Comeau said he was “kind of pleased” with the decision.

“I was kind of surprised because the decision lasted two hours and 45 minutes, so sometimes it looked good, sometimes it didn’t look good,” he said.

The 62-year-old Tracadie man said the case wasn’t just about dodging a fine.

“The way I look at it, I’m a Canadian citizen,” he said. “I don’t see any reason why I can’t go buy merchandis­e anywhere in this country and bring it home. You can buy anything else like cars, clothes, everything. Except for beer.”

During the trial, Comeau’s lawyers and the Crown delved into Canadian history, debating just what the framers of the 1867 founding document meant.

Andrew Smith, a professor of political history at the University of Liverpool in England, told the judge that a law banning the Quebec-to-border carriage of beer was a travesty of what the framers intended.

The defence had argued that section of the Liquor Control Act is unconstitu­tional because Section 121 of the Constituti­on Act says all goods from a province are to be admitted free into each of the other provinces.

“Admitted free means of all impediment­s,” Smith had told the court in August of last year.

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