Calgary Herald


Bronze medal at 2013 world championsh­ips serves as major confidence boost for Duenas


In 2013, Crispin Duenas became the first Canadian in 41 years to win a medal in archery at the world championsh­ips, taking bronze. To get there, he had to compete against each of the medal winners at the 2012 Olympic Games in London.

Ranked as high as fifth in the world at one point, the native of North York, Ont., will be competing in his third Olympic Games in Rio. This time, he believes he has a legitimate chance to reach the podium.

He spoke to Postmedia recently about how he got into archery, what that bronze medal meant and how archery is portrayed in movies like The Hunger Games.

Q How did you get into archery?

A I got into my sport simply by mentioning it to my Grade 8 math teacher, and by luck he had a pamphlet to an archery club that he used to attend at the time, and he handed me the pamphlet and said give this a try. That weekend, I went out and I signed up for lessons and the rest is history. I got discovered by an Olympic coach and it snowballed into a great Olympic career.

Q What drives you to compete?

A The drive that I have to compete is the fact that my shot is never perfect. I’ve never shot a perfect round and I think every athlete out there is always striving for that perfect day, the perfect game or the perfect round. Considerin­g I have never done it internatio­nally at a major competitio­n — I’ve done some practices where I’ve come close to perfect or even shot some perfect rounds, like in an indoor round, for example — that’s what drives me to keep on going, keep on training, and push myself harder, knowing that I still have stuff left in the bank that I can still put out there and achieve better things.

Q What is your greatest strength as an athlete?

A I think one of my main strengths is the amount of practice and dedication I put into my sport. Every athlete has that as well, and that’s what makes them a great athlete, and that’s why I can join that band of group of people in saying that I’m a great athlete because I am motivated. Even on the days where you don’t feel motivated, I find something in me to drive myself and say, ‘No, you have to get out to the range’ or ‘You have to get out to the gym and you need to do this’ because in the back of my mind, something is also telling me my competitio­n’s actually getting that one day up on me. So that motivation, that drive to always keep myself motivated is what helps me along.

Q Who is your biggest inspiratio­n or someone you look up to?

A I actually have been asked who my biggest inspiratio­n is a lot, and I’ve had so many different answers. There are a lot of people and I can’t name just one person, but I can name off a certain type of person. The person who has that drive to be excellent at something that they do, whether it’s an athlete or a musician or Chris Hadfield the astronaut, all of these people have something that they had worked hard to achieve and they’ve achieved it, so I can’t say that there’s just one person who does this for me. Everybody who I see and who I can look up to and say that person is a dedicated human being. I look up to them.

Q Since the London Olympics, your athletic career has really taken off. Can you talk a little bit about your growth as an athlete since then?

A I have developed a lot since London and since Beijing. I was telling one of my other fellow athletes that I think the preparatio­n that I’ve already put into going to Rio adds up to much more than the sum total of my preparatio­n for Beijing and London. Back then, it was ... I wouldn’t say that I didn’t take my sport seriously, but I didn’t take it as seriously as I do now in terms of physical training, mental training, tuning my equipment, making sure that I’ve left absolutely no stone unturned. So in my experience­s from London, you take everything that you can from those experience­s and learn from them, and that’s what I did from London. What did I do right? What did I do wrong? And then I just keep applying it to next year and next year and next year. So the year after London, I took everything that I had learned, applied it, and actually won the first medal for Canada at a world championsh­ip in 40-something years. From then on, it was just like, OK, I’m doing something right, let’s keep on going. And even some of those days when my coach says maybe you should try this, and the first time you try it it’s just like, ‘It doesn’t work, I don’t know why you’re telling me to do this?’ but you know in the back of your mind this is actually what’s supposed to happen. So you just keep grinding away at it, and you just keep working, and eventually it just clicks and that one day, for me, all your arrows just start to shrink in group size at our Olympic distance of 70 metres. That type of learning experience has made me a much better archer today than I was in the past.

Q The bronze medal at the worlds, which came 41 years after the last one by a Canadian, did it come as a surprise to you? Were you expecting it at that point? How did you feel?

A For my bronze medal in 2013, I walked onto the finals field with this anxiety of I wanted to shoot, I wanted to put my arrows in the middle of the target. Even the announcers, who were commentati­ng on the YouTube video, even said I was looking a little anxious. I was. I felt like I was a racehorse, ready to go and ready to shoot, because I’d done so well in the lead up to that final round. I’d taken on the Olympic silver medallist, and I’d taken on the Olympic gold medallist, and the gold medallist was the one who’d knocked me out of the semis and put me into the bronze medal final. In the bronze-medal final, I was taking on the Olympic bronze medallist and these were all the medallists from the 2012 Olympics, so I’d had to take on the whole podium just to work for my little medal. That’s what was driving me. You know what? Nobody else here on the field of play has taken on all the podium finishers from London, let’s just go out, let’s just do my process, do my shot, nothing is going to stop me from achieving what I wanted to achieve that day. I just went out with that determinat­ion and that drive and I got it.

Q Having that bronze medal, and being ranked as high as fifth in the world, how do you feel that sets you up for Rio?

A I think the world rankings system and that bronze medal that I have sets me up. I know that I’m ranked maybe top 10 in the world, but at that level anybody who’s ranked the top in the world is either beatable or really dangerous. So I can’t look at that. I love the fact that I was able to achieve that bronzemeda­l win, but I have to look at that as a past accomplish­ment. I’ve taken lots of things from that match, learned, and applied to my next tournament­s. So, going into Rio I’ve got that confidence that I have performed internatio­nally. I’ve got that confidence that I’ve actually shot a Canadian record on the Olympic field when we had our test event, so I’ve got nothing but confidence going into Rio.

Q Archery really as a sport has increasing­ly grown in popularity — and I think we can thank The Hunger Games for that. How has that been to watch as somebody who has been an archer for as long as you have?

A I think watching archery in the media is entertaini­ng. It’s supposed to be entertainm­ent, so it is entertaini­ng to me. Like Colonel Hadfield said when he was watching Gravity, that’s not supposed to happen. So for me, when I watch archery in the media, I love the attention that it’s drawing to our sport. I love the fact that after every new archery movie comes out, we get an influx of people wanting to register for lessons. I always tell people that what you see in the movies isn’t necessaril­y what we actually do. You can’t do this, you can’t do that, that doesn’t actually happen when you shoot a bow. If they’re lucky enough to be talking to me while I’m holding my bow, I’ll say here, try this. And they’ll pick up my bow and the first thing they’ll say is, ‘Oh my goodness, that’s really heavy.’ Then I say, ‘Now you’ve got to pull the string back to your face.’ And they’ll put their fingers around the string and they’ll pull, and they get about halfway, and I’ll say, ‘Keep going.’ And they’re like, ‘I can’t.’ And I’ll say, ‘No, you have to keep going, back to your face, keep going.’ So that’s a big thing that I always tell people, is that the way the movies make it is just entertainm­ent. It’s not the way actual archers shoot.

 ?? JEAN LEVAC ?? Archer Crispin Duenas, a native of North York, Ont., is taking dead aim at winning a medal at the Rio Olympic Games next month.
JEAN LEVAC Archer Crispin Duenas, a native of North York, Ont., is taking dead aim at winning a medal at the Rio Olympic Games next month.

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