Calgary Herald


Gardeners should still be mindful


It may seem rather odd to talk about water conservati­on given the monsoonal conditions we’ve experience­d for much of July. The month was the wettest in 89 years and saw nearly 200 millimetre­s of precipitat­ion. The city is looking beautifull­y green. Lush lawns. Full rivers. Standing water in low-lying areas. Yellowing leaves on annuals is a telltale sign of too much moisture. Aphids are prolific. So, too, slugs. And mushrooms are popping up in the lawn. Does this mean then that we should not be water-wise gardeners? In a word, no.

Water is the giver of life and should be preserved at all costs. One need look no further of the disastrous consequenc­es of water wastage than what has happened in much of California. I’ve never quite understood the merits of vast swaths of luxurious green lawns and golf courses in places like Palm Springs, for example. Certainly it’s gorgeous to look at. But in the desert? And don’t even get me started on Vegas. Have you seen Lake Mead at the mouth of the Hoover Dam recently? Sure, only 20 per cent of California is now designated severe in terms of drought, but it takes only one winter with little snow pack and a dry spring for that number to soar. We experience­d one of the driest winters on record and an astounding­ly early spring. Precipitat­ion in the months of February, March and April was negligible. That July was a record-setter for moisture is — on balance — actually not a bad thing.

Consider these sobering facts: only one- half of one per cent of the water on the planet is drinkable; more than one billion people do not have access to clean drinking water; it is estimated more than four thousand people die every day from waterborne diseases; the majority of the world’s lakes are polluted; more than 60 per cent of drinkable water consumptio­n is used on lawns and gardens.

It is predicted fresh water, after oil, will be the next invaluable commodity. Countries could to go war over the giver of life.

Lawns are the worst offender when it comes to water usage/ wastage. An eight- by 12-metre lawn requires 38,000 litres of water a summer to keep it green! If a gorgeous, lush lawn is simply something you cannot live without, be mindful of the following: your lawn needs only 2.5 centimetre­s of water a week (this includes rainfall); water early in the morning and never in the heat of the day nor when it’s windy; water slowly as opposed to a fast dousing, as slow is the way to go resulting in the water seeping down to the roots; mow often and mow high as scalping creates thirsty roots, thereby requiring more moisture. Leave grass clippings on the lawn as this will provide mulch and reduce evaporatio­n.

Perhaps removing even just a portion of your lawn and replacing it with water-wise plants is the way to go. Shrubs not requiring a great deal of moisture include: cotoneaste­r; potentilla; wild rose; lilac; and spirea, to name but a few. Perennials fitting the bill include: bellflower; cornflower; dianthus; gaillardia; globe thistle; day lily; poppy; yarrow; golden marguerite; coreopsis; cranesbill; and sedum. Grasses and ground covers to consider include: hens-and-chicks; speedwell; tufted hair grass; bottlebrus­h grass; dwarf common juniper; and lamb’s ears.


If lobelia in your containers is looking rather sad (which it no doubt is with all the rain), give it a severe haircut. With the proper conditions, you should get more bloom right through the first frost. Cut delphinium down by about half to encourage another flush. The second flowering will not be anywhere near as robust as the first, however. Do not use fertilizer­s with nitrogen on trees and perennials from now until the end of the season as this will encourage new growth. Nitrogen is the first number on fertilizer­s. Perennials and many annuals are a steal at garden centres these days. Heck, if you can pick up a hosta for less than four bucks, go for it. Two products you cannot live without include Rage Plus and Pure Spray Green. The former is an organic fertilizer (0-06) and the latter is a horticultu­ral mineral oil designed for use as an insecticid­e and fungicide. Thanks to reader B. Gristwood for sharing the following. “I’ve had lily beetles for several years and was planning on removing them all however my mom made a spray from boiled and strained rhubarb leaves. It worked! Sprayed a few times and they’re gone. The lily I missed got eaten.”

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 ?? FOTOLIA ?? The weather won’t always be this monsoonal. It’s a great idea to capture rain now, in a rain barrel, for use later in the garden.
FOTOLIA The weather won’t always be this monsoonal. It’s a great idea to capture rain now, in a rain barrel, for use later in the garden.
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