Calgary Herald

Energy reduction targets at risk

Re: “Oilsands emissions are a ‘bit player’,” Letter, Aug. 22.


Fuel combustion accounts for 80 per cent of emissions. Comparing emissions from oil production with end-user processes — the entire U.S. heavy truck fleet — is like comparing a bag of apples to an orange grove.

The only sensible comparison is to other oil and energy production. The energyinte­nsive oilsands industry burns huge volumes of fossil fuel to melt, separate and process bitumen.

Oilsands production and Canada’s population represent small fractions of global totals, yet our emissions and energy use are disproport­ionately high.

In Canada, oil and gas was the largest source of emissions in 2014, accounting for 26 per cent of the total — exceeding the transporta­tion sector. Rising oilsands emissions, the fastest growing source in Canada, will prevent us from meeting our paltry reduction targets.

The letter writer overlooks the other noxious emissions and hazards in the oilsands. The industry pollutes every step of the way. Geoffrey Pounder, Rocky Mountain House

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