Calgary Herald

Culture war could split Tories


You have to give Kellie Leitch, previously a long shot and now an insurgent long shot to lead the Conservati­ve Party of Canada, this much: she’s got brass.

Since their drubbing last Oct. 19, Conservati­ves in Canada have been like deer in the headlights. A succession of party stalwarts, Jason Kenney chief among them, have backed away from the race to succeed Stephen Harper. They’ve suddenly discovered much more important business to occupy their time.

Kenney was last seen piloting a pickup along the back roads of Alberta in his new quest to become premier of his home province. Peter MacKay, who left politics in the spring of 2015 while leaving the door open to a return, appears paralyzed by indecision. Lisa Raitt has been testing the waters — and testing, and testing. James Moore is out for family reasons. John Baird is happy in the private sector. Michelle Rempel isn’t interested. And on it goes.

But Leitch is good to go, as are Tony Clement, Maxime Bernier and Michael Chong — none of them among the top tier in Harper’s firmament, save Clement to a point. It is as though — perish the thought — those with the best chance of defeating Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in 2019 have decided they can’t, and are content to let another take the fall.

Even among those now declared, Leitch was a controvers­ial candidate, not least because she — with Chris Alexander, the former diplomat and immigratio­n minister who lost his seat last year — had been a poster child for the “barbaric practices tip line” miscue that sent last year’s Conservati­ve campaign into the ditch.

The tip line, a transparen­t bid to stoke a fight with the Liberals and New Democrats over the “reasonable accommodat­ion” of immigrants, undid in a day much of the good work done by the party to welcome new Canadians. In April on CBC’s Power & Politics, Leitch teared up while professing regret. That put the matter to rest, seemingly.

But apparently, as far as Team Leitch is concerned, a new wind is blowing — a nativist wind, ripe for the harvest. Last week it was reported that a Leitch campaign survey had posed this question: “Should the Canadian government screen potential immigrants for anti- Canadian values as part of its normal screening for refugees and landed immigrants?” A furor ensued. Leitch upped the ante. “Canadians can expect to hear more, not less from me, on this topic in the coming months,” she said Friday.

Sunday, speaking on CTV’s Question Period, interim Conservati­ve leader Rona Ambrose disavowed the idea of an “anti-Canadian values” screen. Monday Bernier did the same. Ergo, there are now two Conservati­ve parties — one hostile to immigratio­n, one not. The leadership race now shapes up as a battle between these poles. The likely beneficiar­ies? The Liberals, naturally.

And there’s more than electoral math at stake. At issue is the Conservati­ve party’s history of embracing immigratio­n under Harper and his Red Tory predecesso­r, Brian Mulroney. Canada routinely takes in about 250,000 immigrants a year. That influx accounts for two thirds of the country’s population growth, according to Statistics Canada, which in turn fuels economic growth, such as it is. This trend is expected to accelerate as the baby boom generation ages. Harper himself, in an interview with The Wall Street Journal in 2014, attributed his majority in 2011 to its success in courting new Canadians.

Why did Leitch decide to go all-in? One objective seems plain: donations. Last month it emerged she’s taken an early but significan­t lead in fundraisin­g, accounting for about 60 per cent of the $376,377 raised by three then-declared leadership aspirants (Leitch, Chong, Bernier) in the second quarter, The Canadian Press reported.

The Conservati­ve base is loyal, fiercely partisan and famously driven to donate by hot-button issues. What alienates swing voters in a general election, in other words, may have the opposite effect on populist social conservati­ves primed for a culture war by months of saturation coverage of Donald Trump and the Brexit.

The take-away is this: Leitch doesn’t care about upending the pluralist tradition of her party, or about how her latest gambit will surely be used by the Liberals to paint all Tories as xenophobes. Nor does she care about the evident risks in broaching a culture war, witness the career-ending losses of Harper last year and Quebec premier Pauline Marois in 2014. Leitch cares, it seems, about filling her campaign coffers.

It may pay off for her, fundraisin­g-wise — while kneecappin­g the party for the bigger battle to come. Given current support for the Liberals at 48 per cent, according to poll aggregator ThreeHundr­edEight. com, it’s hard to discern the looming nativist revolution in Canada, just yet. But perhaps we can now begin to speculate feverishly about a centrist pivot for future Tory leader Leitch, as was once posited for Trump, sometime in 2018?

Well, sure. Sure we can.

 ?? JUSTIN TANG / THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Tory leadership candidate Kellie Leitch’s courting of populist social conservati­ves may pay off in terms of fundraisin­g for her campaign, but it could hurt the party in a general election showdown against the Liberals, Michael Den Tandt writes.
JUSTIN TANG / THE CANADIAN PRESS Tory leadership candidate Kellie Leitch’s courting of populist social conservati­ves may pay off in terms of fundraisin­g for her campaign, but it could hurt the party in a general election showdown against the Liberals, Michael Den Tandt writes.
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