Calgary Herald



It was a harried time in many households Tuesday morning. Many eager youngsters were excited about their first day back at school and equally excited parents were eager to see them off after a long summer of organizing activities.

The Tuesday after the Labour Day weekend means a change in all households, though, not just the ones with children.

As kids trek off to school, packs on their backs and a lot on their minds, all drivers need to be aware that road and sidewalk traffic has increased. That’s especially true this year with six new schools opening across the city to accommodat­e the 170,000-plus students in both public and separate school systems. That means children criss-crossing roads in places such as Auburn Bay, Panorama and Copperfiel­d where they weren’t before.

Being aware means paying attention to your speed, but also just plain paying attention.

It used to be a rite of fall that this newspaper and other media in early September urged drivers to slow down and not race through school and playground zones. But added to that message is the need to be focused on driving.

Kids, being kids, will be distracted at this time of year. They’re meeting up with friends they haven’t seen all summer and are less focused on you and your car than they are on their iPod or each other. But statistics show motorists are also guilty of being inattentiv­e. The Calgary Police Service handed out 3,774 tickets for distracted driving between January and the end of July. Along with the $287 fines are three demerit points.

Police say speeding in school and playground zones is still their No. 1 concern at this time of year, but distracted driving is right up there. Officers have been out in force since some schools went back last Thursday, and they will keep up their neighbourh­ood patrols for a while yet.

They are serious about cracking down on offenders — and on Tuesday that included, ironically, a school bus driver.

A bus driver carrying kindergart­en students was caught speeding in a school zone, going 52 km/h in a 30 km/h playground zone. That netted a $185 fine, according to Staff Sgt. Paul Stacey.

One hopes that in addition to the ticket, the busing company will be asking some pointed questions of their own. If we’re adamant about keeping our kids safe, it should start with the people we entrust to carry them to school each day.

As we launch into a new school year, consider it your homework: slow down and keep your eyes on the road, and hands on the wheel.

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