Calgary Herald


YYComedy Festival celebrates in style with ‘stacked’ lineup


It may seem like a minor anniversar­y, but five years for any festival is a major thing.

That’s why the YYComedy Festival is getting set to celebrate its half-decade in Calgary’s cultural calendar with arguably is biggest event yet and definitely its best slate of names from the world of funny.

The fest, which runs Monday through Sunday with multiple events on each night, features such stars as: actress and alt comic Janeane Garofalo headlining a Friday night show at The Plaza; three-fifths of Kids In the Hall (Dave Foley, Scott Thompson and Kevin McDonald), who will host the Saturday gala; and performanc­es by Corner Gas star Brent Butt, Royal Canadian Air Farce alum Jessica Holmes, CBC fave Sean Cullen and New Yorker Todd Barry, who appeared on Flight of the Conchords.

There’s also a comedy film night featuring two Calgary-shot classics, Silver Streak and Fubar, some improv, a book reading and lots of local talent on stages around the city over the six days.

Prior to the kickoff to the YYComedy Festival’s fifth year, co-founder Harry Doupe spoke with the Herald.

Q Congratula­tions. You’ve got quite an impressive lineup this year.

A Yeah, well you know for our fifth anniversar­y we wanted to see what we could do to bump it up. And for the first time ever we’re bringing back folks from the past that we like, so that’s added to that.

Q In those five years it’s become well-establishe­d and seems as if it’s something that people now look forward to and expect big things from.

A You’d hope that that’s what you build to. Ticket sales are good this year, so we hope that to be an indication of how people connect with it.

Q The star power has to help, with everyone from Brent to Sean to Janeane and then some of the Kids In the Hall boys.

A Yeah. It’s funny because for the Kids in the Hall guys, Scott’s the only one that we’d never had before. We had Bruce (McCulloch) and Mark (McKinney) the first year, we had Dave and Kevin the second year, and we tried to get Scott last year and it fell through. And this year, when we were looking for gala hosts we were thinking, “Well, we’re bringing people back, why don’t we get Dave? But, oh, let’s get Kevin. Oh, and Scott — let’s see if we can get the three of them together.” Bruce already has other commitment­s and plus, if we tried to get all of the Kids In the Hall together, it would cost a lot more …

And all of those guys know Brent really well. They had Brent on their show when he was really, really new. And also connecting (things) is that we always wanted a house band for a long time, so we have Craig Northey, Pat Steward and Doug Elliott from the band The Odds being the house band. And Craig was musical director on a bunch of Kids In the Hall tours and he also wrote and sang the Corner Gas opening and closing theme, so there’s a whole bunch of tie-ins to the gala this year.

Q What can people generally expect from the gala? A

In the salesmen sense (laughs), it’s the signature show of the festival and every year we try to make it the most talent-stacked you’ll see on an Alberta stage in any given year, and this year we’re pretty confident that we’ve nailed that.

I think some people get thrown off by the word “gala” — it’s just the big show. It’s a multi-act show, it moves pretty quick, a lot of people doing their best stuff.

And this year, particular­ly, I hate to keep using the word “stacked,” but if you look at it, besides what the Kids In the Hall guys have done, just standup-wise, I mean Brent had already won Best Male Standup at the Canadian Comedy Awards before Corner Gas ever came on. Steve Patterson has won Best Male Standup twice, Kristeen von Hagen’s won Best Female Standup twice, Sean Cullen has won a million awards, and K. Trevor Wilson is the reigning Best Male Standup. So just in terms of comedy quality, that’s a pretty stacked lineup.

Q Is it easier to get talent to come to this festival now that the reputation is out there?

A It depends on who it is. In some ways it’s harder, in some ways it’s easier because for us, one of the benefits we’ve had is that myself and (festival founder) Cory Mack have been around forever and we know most of the people pretty well who we have in. So to a large extent a lot of the success of the festival has been people coming in really as favours to us, including, in terms of payments. But you can only call in that favour once. (Laughs)

So when you start bringing people back it’s an easy connection because people usually have a really good time when they’re here but it does get more expensive. And for others you just keep trying to find a way to get them engagement. Like Janeane Garofalo — she turned down what I’m positive was a much more lucrative gig at Toronto’s JFL 42 (comedy festival) which is the same week, and basically I think it’s just because she’s played Toronto a million times but she’s never played Calgary. And we set it up as like: Here’s the context, here’s who else coming — because, of course, she knows the Kids In the Hall guys and she worked with Scott Thompson on the Larry Sanders Show …

So the engagement to the comedy community is pretty strong, a lot of people want to be a part of it. And I think when people look at the lineup they’re like, “Oh, man, why aren’t I there?”

 ?? STEVEN DEWALL ?? Actress and comic Janeane Garofalo turned down a more lucrative Toronto gig to be part of the show, says co-founder Harry Doupe.
STEVEN DEWALL Actress and comic Janeane Garofalo turned down a more lucrative Toronto gig to be part of the show, says co-founder Harry Doupe.
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