Calgary Herald

Dislike of carbon tax deepens


Premier Rachel Notley often says that to get a pipeline built, the province must have “social licence.”

It’s equally true that to push through a new levy like the carbon tax, a government needs political licence. The NDP is now driving without one.

A new poll by ThinkHQ Public Affairs shows that 63 per cent of respondent­s disapprove of the new carbon tax, which comes into effect Jan. 1.

That number includes 47 per cent who strongly disapprove, and 16 per cent who somewhat disapprove. Negative feelings run deep.

This is sharply at odds with Notley’s own happy narrative.

Only this week she said: “I’m fairly confident the majority of Albertans support our direction, both in terms of taking action on climate change for generation­s now and in the future.” The confidence is misplaced. That majority, if it ever existed, has relocated. The poll also shows a rise in discontent with the whole climate change plan (the tax, plus coal phase-out, rising carbon price, etc).

Last December the overall climate strategy had equal support and disapprova­l among Albertans, at 44 per cent for both sides.

Now the disapprova­l for climate change action has jumped to 53 per cent, while the positive rating has fallen to 37 per cent.

It’s clear from the numbers that the carbon tax is dragging down support for the whole climate plan.

“I think the carbon levy is the real issue,” says ThinkHQ president Marc Henry.

“When the leadership plan was released last year, people were fairly split on it, but seemed to be open-minded about it. Certainly, there is an appetite in Alberta for some of the broader objectives of the climate leadership plan.”

Today, only 60 per cent of people who voted NDP in the last election like the carbon tax. That group surely includes many people who weren’t NDP loyalists, but voted for Notley out of frustratio­n with the Progressiv­e Conservati­ves.

This suggests the tax is dangerous to the broader coalition Notley attracted last year to win, and will certainly need again in order to repeat that miracle.

The tax is extremely divisive, with opinions sharply formed even before it comes into effect. Only five per cent of respondent­s were unsure of their opinion.

Of those who support the tax, 42 per cent are under 35; 28 per cent are aged 35-54; at 55 and over, the support drops to 26 per cent. A new tax is never going to be popular, of course.

The GST helped defeat Progressiv­e Conservati­ve Prime Minister Brian Mulroney. B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell was run off for misleading voters about a harmonized sales tax. The impact is always harsher when the tax was not part of the deal that got the government elected. And Notley never mentioned a carbon levy in the 2015 election campaign. But she now has the beginnings of an out. The NDP is counting on it.

Ottawa intends to impose a carbon price on provinces that don’t have one. Notley can claim, probably correctly, that a carbon tax was inevitable whether she imposed one or not.

Approval of the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline would also be a boost for Notley. She’d say that Ottawa would never have approved it without Alberta’s firm climate change action.

But the real key to a popularity rebound for the NDP (and the premier, whose own approval rating is only 31 per cent) lies with the economy. A new tax would be a lot easier to swallow with oil at $70 a barrel and the economy starting to hum again.

The great irony is that the NDP government, like the PCs of old, would escape trouble in the usual way — through OPEC production cuts.

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