Calgary Herald



As the leader of a government determined to bend the curve on health-care costs — a colourful way of saying it wants to end the inexorable increase in spending — Premier Rachel Notley sure has an odd way of showing it.

Notley, among other premiers, is carping over the long-announced decision to decrease the annual growth in federal health-care transfers from six per cent to a more reasonable three per cent. It’s been widely understood for years that health-care budgets can’t continue to grow at unsustaina­ble rates, so it’s irresponsi­ble for premiers such as Notley to try to squeeze more money from the federal government, as if Ottawa’s finances aren’t connected to ordinary taxpayers.

“In the past, arbitrary declaratio­ns by the federal government about long-term funding formulas have not helped,” Notley said this week. “There is a desire on the part of all provinces to engage in meaningful negotiatio­n.

“There needs to be some true rolling up the sleeves, meaningful discussion between the parties. So I don’t consider this a done deal yet.”

Yes, there does have to be some rolling up of the sleeves. The Liberal government has said it will follow the Conservati­ves’ plan to reduce the rate of increase in transfer payments and it should stick to the policy, which already allows for larger transfer hikes if the rate of economic growth, plus inflation, exceeds three per cent.

One of the problems Notley has inherited — and has chosen not to address — is the scale of Alberta’s bloated health-care system. The Conference Board of Canada recently said our expenses are the highest per capita in the country, a full 33 per cent above the national average. In fact, Alberta’s health-care costs have risen by an average of six per cent annually over the past decade and account for approximat­ely 40 per cent of total government spending.

The NDP has said it wants to hold the increase in health spending to two per cent by 2018. How can it recognize the need to constrain its own costs while insisting Ottawa’s transfers should remain at three times that rate?

The NDP must lead the way in finding efficienci­es and lowering costs — especially salaries that account for more than $6 billion at Alberta Health Services alone.

When former AHS CEO Vicki Kaminski resigned last November and gave up her $537,999 salary, they replaced her with Dr. Verna Yiu, who was vice-president for most of the year, yet made $568,321. So much for bending the curve. Notley needs to mend Alberta’s health-care system and pull the plug on her plea for transfers from Ottawa that far outstrip inflation.

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