Calgary Herald

Ontario considers ban on computer ‘scalper bots’


Computer “scalper bots” that scoop up huge blocks of tickets to concerts and major sporting events, forcing customers to the more expensive resale market, could soon be outlawed in Ontario.

Attorney General Yasir Naqvi says the government plans to introduce legislatio­n next spring that would make it illegal to use sophistica­ted computer software for bulk ticket purchases.

But he admits there’s no easy way to stop criminals in other jurisdicti­ons from using the “scalper bots” to purchase tickets and then reselling them in Ontario at far above face value.

“The enforcemen­t piece is an important issue, and frankly speaking there’s no silver bullet, but inaction is not the answer either,” Naqvi said Thursday. “People on the other side can be really smart and use the technology really well, and we need to be aware of that as we develop our strategies to protect consumers, to protect our artists, and to make sure people can enjoy concerts and hockey games when they want to.”

The government needs to do something to try to make sure consumers get a “fair shot” at tickets to big events like the Tragically Hip’s farewell tour, added Naqvi.

“What happened this summer with the Tragically Hip and tickets, that really bugged me,” he said in an interview. “Here’s this iconic Canadian band with a very tragic story about (lead singer) Gord Downie’s cancer ... and running into the wall where people couldn’t go see their favourite band and bid adieu.”

Naqvi feels “very strongly” that the province needs to do something to protect consumers from being shut out of ticket sales and forced to the resale market, which often charges many times the original face value.

“We need to make sure that there is fairness and some level of transparen­cy,” he said.

Progressiv­e Conservati­ve Todd Smith said the government should also ban the sale and purchase of “scalper bot” software, and require ticket buyers to use their credit card to pick up their tickets at the event.

The Tories blame the Liberals for the growing online resale market because the government changed the Ticket Speculatio­n Act last year to make it legal to resell tickets above their original face value.

“What it’s done is allow for the Wild West and let ticket scalpers to go crazy online, and made it legal to do so,” said Smith.

“Now they’re trying to clean up their own mess.”

Naqvi said he plans to engage in “targeted consultati­ons” with consumer groups, entertaine­rs and his colleagues in other jurisdicti­ons like New York, who have also struggled to deal with ticket scalping and “bots.”

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