Calgary Herald

Vinyl and yolks


october is a play-inside kind of month, a time of year when you don’t want to do much more with your weekends than indulge in a leisurely three-caesar brunch (ideally, it starts in the late morning and lasts until mid-afternoon), then head home and listen to a bunch of new records while you drift off into a maple-bacon coma. Normally, this requires two stops—a restaurant and a record store—but what if the restaurant was also a record store? This Sunday the Palomino is giving it a shot, with an event they’re straight-up calling “Records & Eggs.”

It’s all there in the name: starting at the prime brunching hour of 11 a.m. and running until 4 p.m., you’ll be able to flip through crates of used vinyl at a record pop-up shop presented by the good folks at Beatroute while enjoying the indulgent offerings of the Palomino’s “cowboy brunch” menu (half off for Friends of CJSW card holders). The record selections will mostly be pulled from the 300,000-plus collection of independen­t seller Lawrence Watkin, with a few tables from mobile seller Beatnik Bus. As you might expect from a barbecue smokehouse with a live-music venue in the basement, the brunch offerings lean more toward hangover cure than healthy living: along with your basic bacon, eggs and hashbrowns you can get bourbon-apple-pulled-pork French toast, a breakfast poutine, something called the “Good Morning Burger” and other delights. All in all, Records & Eggs promises to hit all the right notes for a Sunday in late October: crates of records, afternoon breakfast, and a bar all under one roof.

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